5 Best Ways to Return the Frequency Object as a String from the pandas PeriodIndex Object

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time series data in pandas, one might need to extract the frequency of a PeriodIndex object in a string format. For instance, given a PeriodIndex with a frequency of ‘M’ (monthly), the desired output is the string “M” representing the frequency. This information is useful for dynamic operations where the frequency needs to be reused or displayed.

Method 1: Accessing the freqstr attribute

This method involves directly accessing the freqstr attribute of the PeriodIndex object which returns the frequency as a string. It’s a quick and straightforward way to achieve our goal without the need for additional functions or methods.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a PeriodIndex
period_index = pd.period_range(start='2021-01', periods=3, freq='M')

# Get the frequency as a string
freq_as_string = period_index.freqstr




The code creates a PeriodIndex with monthly frequency and then accesses the freqstr attribute, which contains the string representation of the frequency. This is then printed out, yielding ‘M’.

Method 2: Using the freq attribute and converting to string

Another method is to use the freq attribute, which retrieves the frequency object, and then convert it to a string using the str() built-in function. This is a two-step approach but still quite simple and effective.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a PeriodIndex
period_index = pd.period_range(start='2021-01', periods=3, freq='Q')

# Convert the frequency object to a string
freq_as_string = str(period_index.freq)




This snippet also creates a PeriodIndex, but with Quarterly frequency ending in December. Using str(period_index.freq), it converts the frequency object to a string, giving us ‘Q-DEC’.

Method 3: Utilizing the asfreq method

Using the asfreq method on a pandas Series with a PeriodIndex can imply the frequency extraction. By converting to a different frequency and then back, we can make pandas reveal the frequency string.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a pandas Series with a PeriodIndex
series = pd.Series(range(3), index=pd.period_range(start='2021', periods=3, freq='Y'))

# Reveal the frequency by converting to and from a different frequency
freq_as_string = series.asfreq('M').index.freqstr




In this example, we create a pandas Series with an annual PeriodIndex. By temporarily changing the frequency to monthly and back to the original, the frequency string is obtained through the freqstr attribute of the index.

Method 4: Using pd.infer_freq method

The pd.infer_freq function can be used when the frequency is not explicitly set. This function will infer the frequency based on the period values within the PeriodIndex. It’s especially useful when dealing with externally sourced data.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a PeriodIndex without an explicit frequency
period_index = pd.period_range(start='2021-01', periods=3, freq=None)

# Infer the frequency
freq_inferred = pd.infer_freq(period_index)




Here, a PeriodIndex is created without setting the frequency (freq=None). Through pd.infer_freq(period_index), pandas infers the frequency as monthly. Note that this method requires the PeriodIndex data to be regular for correct inference.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Lambda Function with freqstr attribute

This one-liner method employs a lambda function to grab the freqstr attribute quickly within a more complex operation or apply it across multiple PeriodIndex objects.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a PeriodIndex
period_index = pd.period_range(start='2021-01', periods=3, freq='H')

# One-liner to get the frequency as a string
freq_as_string = (lambda x: x.freqstr)(period_index)




The lambda function here is redundant for a single operation but demonstrates how you could integrate the freqstr access into a more complex chain of operations or functional programming constructs.


  • Method 1: Access freqstr. Simplest method. Cannot handle null frequencies.
  • Method 2: Convert freq to string. Offers explicit control. Slightly less direct than method 1.
  • Method 3: Use asfreq. Suitable for Series with PeriodIndex. Roundabout method for just extracting frequency.
  • Method 4: Infer frequency with pd.infer_freq. Best for detecting undeclared frequencies. Requires regular interval data.
  • Bonus Method 5: Lambda Function. Flexible within functional constructs. Redundant for single, straightforward use cases.