5 Best Ways to Return the Minimum of an Array with Negative Infinity or Minimum Ignoring Any NaNs in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You’re tasked with finding the minimum value in a Python array that might contain negative infinity or Not a Number (NaN) values. The challenge is to calculate the minimum while disregarding any NaNs and considering negative infinity in comparison. For example, given the array [nan, -7, -inf, 10], the desired output is -inf. It is crucial that the solution handles both negative infinity and NaN values gracefully.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s nanmin Function

The NumPy library provides a function called nanmin that specifically targets the scenario we’re discussing. It returns the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis, ignoring any NaNs. This function is perfect for the task because it is built to exclude NaNs by default, but still considers -inf as a valid number for comparison.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

array = np.array([np.nan, -7, np.NINF, 10])
min_value = np.nanmin(array)

Output: -inf

This code initializes an array with NaN, negative seven, negative infinity, and ten. By utilizing NumPy’s nanmin function, we efficiently obtain the minimum value while excluding NaN values. The result is negative infinity, as it is the smallest numerical value in the array.

Method 2: Filter NaNs Manually and Use min Function

Without relying on external libraries, you can manually filter out NaN values using list comprehensions and then apply Python’s built-in min function. This method provides a straightforward approach that doesn’t require additional dependencies and offers clear code readability.

Here’s an example:

array = [float('nan'), -7, float('-inf'), 10]
filtered_array = [x for x in array if not math.isnan(x)]
min_value = min(filtered_array)

Output: -inf

The sample code creates a list with a NaN, negative seven, negative infinity, and ten. With a list comprehension, we exclude any value that is a NaN using Python’s math.isnan() function. Finally, we calculate the minimum with Python’s built-in min() function and print out negative infinity as the smallest value.

Method 3: Using the Pandas Library

The Pandas library offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical data and time series, and it has robust handling of NaNs. Using its Series object’s min() method, we can effectively find the minimum value while ignoring NaNs. It inherently understands both NaN values and -inf, making it another suitable method for this problem.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

array = [np.nan, -7, np.NINF, 10]
series = pd.Series(array)
min_value = series.min()

Output: -inf

We convert the array into a Pandas Series, which allows us to use the min() method, designed to ignore NaN values in calculations. The printed result correctly identifies negative infinity as the minimum value in the array, showing the strength of Pandas for data-centric computations.

Method 4: Combining filter and min Functions

Python’s built-in filter function can be harnessed to exclude NaNs from the array before applying the min function. This provides a functional programming approach that can be very readable and easy to understand for those familiar with the concept.

Here’s an example:

array = [float('nan'), -7, float('-inf'), 10]
filtered_array = filter(lambda x: x == x, array)
min_value = min(filtered_array)

Output: -inf

The code snippet filters out NaN values by checking if each element is equal to itself, a check which NaN fails. Then, we apply the built-in min function and print the result, highlighting Python’s capability for clean, expressive coding patterns.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using functools.reduce

This functional one-liner uses Python’s functools.reduce alongside a lambda function. It enables us to condense the filtering and the minimal value calculation into a single, concise expression, demonstrating the power of Python’s functional programming tools.

Here’s an example:

from functools import reduce
import math

array = [math.nan, -7, math.inf, 10]
min_value = reduce(lambda a, b: a if (not math.isnan(a) and (a < b or math.isnan(b))) else b, array)

Output: -inf

The code uses functools.reduce to traverse the array, applying a lambda function that maintains the minimum non-NaN value. Despite the conciseness, this method may be less readable to those unfamiliar with functional programming or reduce in Python.


  • Method 1: NumPy’s nanmin Function. Best for numerical computations. Requires NumPy. High performance on large datasets.
  • Method 2: Filter NaNs Manually and Use min Function. No dependencies. Clear and readable. May be slower on larger datasets due to explicit NaN filtering.
  • Method 3: Using the Pandas Library. Ideal for data analysis tasks. Requires Pandas. Handles NaNs and -inf efficiently.
  • Method 4: Combining filter and min Functions. Functional approach. Readable for those who understand it. Native to Python, no dependencies.
  • Method 5: Using functools.reduce. One-liner. Functional. Can be terse and less readable. Demonstrates Python’s expressive power.