5 Best Ways to Round a Float to 7 Decimals in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with floating-point numbers in Python, it is often necessary to round them to a fixed number of decimal places for precision control and presentation. Specifically, this article will address the challenge of rounding a float, such as 3.141592653589793, to 7 decimal places to achieve an output like 3.1415927.

Method 1: Using the round() Function

The built-in round() function in Python is the most straightforward way to round off floating-point numbers to a specified number of decimal places. It takes two arguments: the number you want to round and the number of decimal places you want to keep.

Here’s an example:

number = 3.141592653589793
rounded_number = round(number, 7)



This snippet defines a float number and uses the round() function to round it to 7 decimal places. The rounded result is assigned to rounded_number and printed out.

Method 2: Using String Formatting

String formatting using the format method can round floats to a specified number of decimal places by formatting the float as a string that retains only the desired number of decimals.

Here’s an example:

number = 3.141592653589793
formatted_number = "{:.7f}".format(number)



In this code, we create a formatted string with 7 decimal places using {:.7f} inside the format() method. It formats the number to 7 decimal places and prints the string representation of the rounded number.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module provides a way to perform decimal floating-point arithmetic with the decimal data type, which is ideal for financial and other applications which require exact decimal representation.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP

number = 3.141592653589793
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.0000000'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)



We import the Decimal object and ROUND_HALF_UP constant from the Decimal module. The number is converted to a Decimal and then quantized to 7 decimal places, with the rounding set to round half up, before being printed.

Method 4: Using numpy.around()

When working with arrays or wanting to leverage performance optimizations, Numpy’s around() function provides efficient array-wise rounding capabilities to a specified number of decimal places.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

number = 3.141592653589793
rounded_number = np.around(number, 7)



Here, we import the numpy library (aliased as np) and use the around() function on our number. Then, the rounded number is printed. This method is especially useful when rounding array elements.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using f-String

Python 3.6 introduced f-strings for string interpolation; with an embedded expression, we can round numbers concisely in a one-liner.

Here’s an example:

number = 3.141592653589793
rounded_number = f'{number:.7f}'



The f-string f'{number:.7f}' rounds the number directly inside the string to 7 decimal places, then that rounded string is printed out.


  • Method 1: Round Function. Simple and builtin. May not handle certain edge cases due to the nature of binary floating-point representation.
  • Method 2: String Formatting. Offers flexibility in formatting. Slightly less intuitive for purely mathematical operations.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Excellent for precise decimal arithmetic. More verbose and has some performance overhead compared to native floats.
  • Method 4: numpy.around(). Ideal for numerical computing with arrays. Overkill for single float rounding and requires Numpy installation.
  • Bonus Method 5: f-String. Syntactically concise. Limited to Python 3.6 and later versions.