5 Best Ways to Round Time to the Next 15 Minutes in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time data in Python, one common task is rounding a specific datetime object to the nearest quarter-hour mark. For example, if the input time is 12:07 pm, the desired output after rounding would be 12:15 pm. This article goes through five different methods to achieve this time rounding in Python.

Method 1: Using datetime and timedelta

This method involves using the datetime module to calculate the remainder when dividing the current minutes by 15 and then adjusting the time by adding a timedelta object with the difference. It’s precise, and the datetime module is part of Python’s standard library, so no additional installation is necessary.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def round_to_next_quarter_hour(dt):
    mins_to_add = (-(dt.minute % 15) + 15) % 15
    dt += timedelta(minutes=mins_to_add)
    dt = dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
    return dt

current_time = datetime.now()
rounded_time = round_to_next_quarter_hour(current_time)
print("Rounded Time:", rounded_time)

Output: Rounded Time: 2023-03-01 12:15:00

This function calculates how many minutes should be added to the current time in order to reach the next quarter-hour mark. It then adjusts the current time, setting seconds and microseconds to zero to get a clean rounded time. This method is straightforward but may involve a little more understanding of timedelta calculations.

Method 2: Using divmod

This technique involves using the divmod function to split the minutes into quotient and remainder, then adding the necessary minutes. It is a clever and pythonic way to work with integer division and its remainder at the same time.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def round_to_next_quarter_hour(dt):
    _, rem = divmod(dt.minute, 15)
    minutes_to_add = 15 - rem if rem else 0
    dt += timedelta(minutes=minutes_to_add)
    dt = dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
    return dt

current_time = datetime.now()
rounded_time = round_to_next_quarter_hour(current_time)
print("Rounded Time:", rounded_time)

Output: Rounded Time: 2023-03-01 12:15:00

This snippet employs divmod to derive the minutes to add until the next quarter-hour and then proceeds similarly to Method 1. The advantage here is the use of divmod which can make the intention clearer to those familiar with it, but to others, it might seem less intuitive.

Method 3: Ceiling Division

The ceiling division approach rounds the minute up to the nearest multiple of 15 using the // operator and then multiplies back. It’s a straightforward mathematical solution, but it requires the programmer to be comfortable with arithmetic operations.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def round_to_next_quarter_hour(dt):
    next_quarter_hour = ((dt.minute + 14) // 15) * 15
    dt = dt.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(minutes=next_quarter_hour)
    return dt
current_time = datetime.now()
rounded_time = round_to_next_quarter_hour(current_time)
print("Rounded Time:", rounded_time)

Output: Rounded Time: 2023-03-01 12:15:00

By adding 14 and performing floor division by 15, we effectively achieve a ‘ceiling’ behavior. The returned datetime object has been rounded to the next quarter-hour, with seconds and microseconds zeroed out.

Method 4: Modular Arithmetic

This method leverages modular arithmetic directly to find how many minutes to add to the nearest quarter hour. It is a mathematically elegant solution but assumes familiarity with modular arithmetic.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def round_to_next_quarter_hour(dt):
    minutes = 15 - dt.minute % 15
    minutes = minutes if minutes != 15 else 0
    dt += timedelta(minutes=minutes)
    return dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)

current_time = datetime.now()
rounded_time = round_to_next_quarter_hour(current_time)
print("Rounded Time:", rounded_time)

Output: Rounded Time: 2023-03-01 12:15:00

This function directly computes how many minutes are left to the next quarter of an hour, makes an adjustment if it’s exactly on the quarter-hour (to not add another 15 minutes), then rounds the time up as necessary.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Lambda Function

For those who favor concise code, a lambda function paired with the techniques already discussed can round a time to the next 15-minute mark in a single line.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

round_to_next_quarter_hour = lambda dt: (dt + timedelta(minutes=(15 - dt.minute % 15))).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)

current_time = datetime.now()
rounded_time = round_to_next_quarter_hour(current_time)
print("Rounded Time:", rounded_time)

Output: Rounded Time: 2023-03-01 12:15:00

This one-liner function succinctly expresses the round-up logic without the need for additional defining functions. It is elegant and pythonic, albeit potentially less readable to those unfamiliar with lambdas or the rounding logic used.


  • Method 1: Using datetime and timedelta. Strengths: Standard library, very readable. Weaknesses: Requires understanding of timedelta arithmetic.
  • Method 2: Using divmod. Strengths: Pythonic, compact. Weaknesses: Slightly obscure for beginners.
  • Method 3: Ceiling Division. Strengths: Straightforward arithmetic. Weaknesses: Requires understanding of mathematical operation.
  • Method 4: Modular Arithmetic. Strengths: Mathematically elegant. Weaknesses: Less intuitive for those unfamiliar with modular arithmetic.
  • Method 5: Bonus One-Liner Lambda Function. Strengths: Concise. Weaknesses: May be less readable for some.