5 Best Ways to Select First Periods of Time Series Data with Pandas Based on a Date Offset

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time series data in Python using Pandas, analysts often need to extract segments according to a certain time period or date offset from the start of the series. For example, one might need to select the initial month’s worth of data from a dataset that spans multiple years. This article aims to show five methods to efficiently accomplish this task, helping to isolate a subset of data based on a time offset criteria.

Method 1: Truncate Method

Truncating a time series data involves slicing it down to the desired timeframe. The truncate() method in pandas can be used by specifying the ‘before’ parameter to filter data only after the provided start date. This is an easy and direct method for period selection based on a date.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a time series DataFrame
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(6)), index=dates)

# Truncate to select the first two days
truncated_df = df.truncate(before='2023-01-01', after='2023-01-02')



2023-01-01  0
2023-01-02  1

This piece of code created a DataFrame with a range of dates and used the truncate() method to select the first two days of the given time series data. This selection was achieved by specifying the ‘before’ and ‘after’ parameters.

Method 2: Date Offset with loc

The loc accessor in Pandas allows filtering of data by labels. When combined with a date offset, it can isolate a specific timeframe from the dataset. This method is flexible and great for custom time offsets.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a time series DataFrame
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(6)), index=dates)

# Use date offset to select the first three days
start_date = '2023-01-01'
end_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) + pd.DateOffset(days=2)
selected_df = df.loc[start_date:end_date]



2023-01-01  0
2023-01-02  1
2023-01-03  2

The above code constructs a timeframe using a start date and a pd.DateOffset for the next two days. With the loc accessor, we are able to filter data within this specific period efficiently.

Method 3: TimeDelta Comparison

Using TimeDelta objects allows for comparisons with time stamps in a DataFrame index. This method can select data within a period relative to the start or end of a dataset, offering a high level of temporal granularity and control.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a time series DataFrame
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(6)), index=dates)

# Select the first 48 hours of data
time_delta = pd.Timedelta('2 days')
selected_df = df[df.index - df.index[0] <= time_delta]



2023-01-01  0
2023-01-02  1

This snippet shows how Timedelta objects are suited for operations that span precise durations. Here, a two-day period is defined and used to filter data that falls within that timeframe from the beginning of the series.

Method 4: Rolling Window Selection

This approach is slightly different as it involves generating statistics over a sliding window of periods. A ‘rolling’ object is created, suitable for rolling window calculations, that can also be used to segment data for specific time-based analyses.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a time series DataFrame
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(6)), index=dates)

# Rolling calculation with a window of 2 days
rolling_selection = df.rolling('2D').sum()



2023-01-01  0.0
2023-01-02  1.0
2023-01-03  3.0
2023-01-04  5.0
2023-01-05  7.0
2023-01-06  9.0

In this case, a rolling window of two days is used to sum the values. While this method is not solely for period selection, it can help in scenarios where analyzing time blocks is important.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Head with DateOffset

A straightforward one-liner to select the initial period of a dataset is combining head() with DateOffset. This method quickly slices the top n elements that fall beneath a specific temporal scope.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a time series DataFrame
dates = pd.date_range('20230101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(6)), index=dates)

# Select the first month of data with head and DateOffset
selected_df = df.head(pd.DateOffset(months=1))



2023-01-01  0
2023-01-02  1
2023-01-03  2
2023-01-04  3
2023-01-05  4
2023-01-06  5

This code quickly demonstrates selecting the first month from the dataset using head() along with a DateOffset. In practice, this method is useful when dealing with smaller datasets because it selects a fixed number of rows without considering the actual timestamps.


  • Method 1: Truncate Method. It provides an easy and direct way to chop off unnecessary data from a DataFrame. However, it requires the data to be sorted and indexed by date.
  • Method 2: Date Offset with loc. This approach is great for its flexibility and precision but might be verbose when dealing with simpler selections.
  • Method 3: TimeDelta Comparison. Perfect for precise durations, but usage can get complex with more elaborate conditions.
  • Method 4: Rolling Window Selection. Ideal for time-based calculations but not specifically designed for selecting periods of data.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using Head with DateOffset. A useful one-liner for small datasets but lacks sophistication for more granular time data handling.