5 Best Ways to Serialize Bytes to JSON in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with JSON in Python, you may encounter situations where you need to serialize binary data (bytes) into a JSON format. Standard JSON serializers raise an error when they encounter byte-like objects because JSON is a text-based format. This article provides practical methods to circumvent this issue by encoding bytes into a JSON serializable format. For instance, converting the bytes b'\x00\x01' to a JSON string that can be deserialized back into bytes.

Method 1: Base64 Encoding

This method involves encoding bytes using the Base64 encoding scheme to convert them into a string that can be easily serialized into JSON. The base64 module in Python provides methods like b64encode and b64decode for encoding and decoding byte data.

Here’s an example:

import base64
import json

data = b'Python bytes to JSON'
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8')
json_data = json.dumps({'data': encoded_bytes})


The output:

{"data": "UHl0aG9uIGJ5dGVzIHRvIEpTT04="}

In this code snippet, we encode the bytes 'Python bytes to JSON' to a Base64 string using base64.b64encode. The result is then decoded from bytes to a UTF-8 string, which can be serialized into JSON.

Method 2: Hexadecimal Encoding

Another method to serialize bytes into JSON is by converting the byte data to a hexadecimal string using the built-in hex method in Python. Each byte of data is represented as a two-character string.

Here’s an example:

import json

data = b'Python bytes to JSON'
encoded_bytes = data.hex()
json_data = json.dumps({'data': encoded_bytes})


The output:

{"data": "507974686f6e20627974657320746f204a534f4e"}

Here, b'Python bytes to JSON' is converted to its corresponding hexadecimal representation with the .hex() method and then serialized as a JSON object.

Method 3: Integer Array Conversion

You can convert byte data to an array of integers, where each integer represents a byte value. This array is JSON serializable as it is a list of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import json

data = b'Python bytes to JSON'
encoded_bytes = list(data)
json_data = json.dumps({'data': encoded_bytes})


The output:

{"data": [80, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110, 32, 98, 121, 116, 101, 115, 32, 116, 111, 32, 74, 83, 79, 78]}

The bytes are cast to a list, which results in an array of integers, each representing a byte from the original data. This array is used to create a JSON object.

Method 4: Custom Encoder

Customize the JSON serialization process by defining a custom encoder that inherits from json.JSONEncoder. Override the default method to handle bytes.

Here’s an example:

import json

class BytesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, bytes):
            return obj.decode('utf-8')
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

data = b'Python bytes to JSON'
json_data = json.dumps({'data': data}, cls=BytesEncoder)


The output:

{"data": "Python bytes to JSON"}

This code snippet introduces a custom encoder, BytesEncoder, which allows direct serialization of bytes by decoding them to a string.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using str() Function

For a quick and dirty solution, simply convert the bytes to a string using the str() function before serialization. This is not recommended for binary data intended for use beyond human-readability.

Here’s an example:

import json

data = b'Python bytes to JSON'
json_data = json.dumps({'data': str(data)})


The output:

{"data": "b'Python bytes to JSON'"}

This converts the bytes object to a string that contains the raw bytes data including the ‘b’ prefix, then serializes it to JSON.


In summary, here are the methods to serialize bytes to JSON in Python:

  • Method 1: Base64 Encoding. Most robust and widely used. Can handle any binary data. Adds overhead by approximately 33%.
  • Method 2: Hexadecimal Encoding. Good for readability and simpler than Base64. Size overhead is double the size of the original byte data.
  • Method 3: Integer Array Conversion. Simplest conceptually. Can be inefficient with larger data due to the JSON array format.
  • Method 4: Custom Encoder. Offers full control over serialization. Requires additional coding work and understanding of json.JSONEncoder.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using str() Function. Quick, but not practical for real encoding needs. Loses the binary data nature and complicates deserialization.