5 Best Ways to Set Float to Two Decimal Places in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with floating-point numbers in Python, it is often necessary to format these values to a fixed number of decimal places, particularly for two decimal precision, which is common in financial calculations and reporting. If you have a float 123.4567890 and need to consistently format it as 123.46, this article details effective methods to accomplish the task.

Method 1: Using String Formatting

The string formatting method leverages Python’s formatting syntax to specify the number of decimal places. The format() function or the formatted string literals (f-strings) can be used for this purpose, providing a flexible way to embed expressions inside string literals using a concise and readable format.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.
number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)

Output: 123.46

This code snippet uses the format() method with the formatting specification {:.2f}, which rounds the number to two decimal places and converts it to a string with exactly two digits after the decimal point, thus printing 123.46.

Method 2: Using Round Function

The round function is a built-in Python function that reduces a floating-point number to a specified number of decimal places. While simple and widespread, its behavior can vary depending on the underlying floating-point arithmetic, so it’s important to understand how rounding works in the Python environment you are using.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
rounded_number = round(number, 2)

Output: 123.46

This snippet demonstrates the round() function in Python, which takes two arguments: the number to be rounded and the number of decimal places. round(number, 2) rounds the variable number to two decimal places, resulting in 123.46.

Method 3: Using Decimal Module

The Decimal module offers a Decimal data type for decimal floating-point arithmetic. It provides more precision and avoids some issues typical with binary floating-point representations. The module is essential for financial applications that require exact decimal representation and control over rounding.

Here’s an example:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = Decimal(number).quantize(Decimal('0.00'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

Output: 123.46

This code uses the Decimal type from the decimal module to represent the number precisely. The quantize() method is then used to round the number to two decimal places with the rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP, which is akin to the common method of rounding used in mathematics.

Method 4: Using %.2f Syntax

The % operator is an older string formatting syntax in Python but is still valid and in use, especially for those more comfortable with the syntax from other programming languages like C. This method effectively limits the float to two decimal places in a string context.

Here’s an example:

number = 123.456789
formatted_number = "%.2f" % number

Output: 123.46

The code shows how to use the % operator for string formatting. The format specifier "%.2f" indicates that a floating-point number is to be formatted with two digits after the decimal point. number is inserted in place of % and the result is printed as 123.46.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy

NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python. Among its wide array of functionalities, NumPy can effectively round numbers to a set number of decimal places using the numpy.around() function, which is particularly useful for arrays of numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
number = 123.456789
rounded_number = np.around(number, decimals=2)

Output: 123.46

With just one line using NumPy’s around() function, the number is rounded to two decimal places, providing an output that’s suitable for data processing that requires uniform decimal precision.


  • Method 1: String Formatting. Strengths: Readable and flexible. Weaknesses: Produces a string instead of a float which may require conversion for further numerical operations.
  • Method 2: Round Function. Strengths: Simple and built-in to Python. Weaknesses: Rounding behavior might vary and it does not necessarily return a fixed number of decimal places if those are zeros.
  • Method 3: Decimal Module. Strengths: Accurate and precise, suitable for financial applications. Weaknesses: More verbose and requires an additional import.
  • Method 4: %.2f Syntax. Strengths: Familiar to programmers with a background in C-style languages. Weaknesses: Considered old-fashioned, less readable compared to f-strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy. Strengths: Ideal for array computations, very efficient. Weaknesses: Requires an additional library that may be overkill for simple rounding tasks.