5 Best Ways to Skip the First Item of a Python Iterable

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python programming, it is often necessary to iterate over a collection of items but skip the first element. This requirement arises in various scenarios, such as processing a file that has headers or handling data where the first item is a placeholder. For instance, given a list items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2', ...], we want to skip 'Header' and start processing from 'Data1'.

Method 1: Using iter() and next()

This method involves explicitly converting the iterable into an iterator using the iter() function and then advancing it by one position with the next() function, effectively skipping the first item.

Here’s an example:

items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2']
iterator = iter(items)
for item in iterator:



This code snippet creates an iterator from the list items and advances it past the first item using next(). Then, the for loop iterates through the remaining items, starting from ‘Data1’.

Method 2: Slicing the Iterable

Slicing allows you to create a subset of the original iterable by specifying a start and end index. Skipping the first item is as simple as starting the slice at index 1.

Here’s an example:

items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2']
for item in items[1:]:



By slicing the list items[1:], we create a new list that starts from the second item. The for loop then iterates over this new list, effectively skipping the first element.

Method 3: Using islice() from the itertools Module

The itertools.islice() function is a flexible way to perform slicing on iterators without converting them to a list first, which saves memory for large iterables.

Here’s an example:

from itertools import islice

items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2']
for item in islice(items, 1, None):



The islice() function is used to create a new iterator that starts at the second item of the original items iterable. This allows the for loop to iterate starting from ‘Data1’.

Method 4: Using enumerate() and Conditional

The enumerate() function adds a counter to an iterable. Combined with a conditional statement, you can easily skip the first item by checking the index.

Here’s an example:

items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2']
for index, item in enumerate(items):
    if index > 0:



This code uses enumerate() to pair each item with its index. The conditional statement if index > 0 ensures that the first item (with index 0) is skipped.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generator Expression

A generator expression provides an elegant and concise way to create an iterator. By pairing it with a conditional expression, we can skip over the first item directly within the generator.

Here’s an example:

items = ['Header', 'Data1', 'Data2']
for item in (item for index, item in enumerate(items) if index != 0):



The generator expression uses enumerate() to filter out the first item by checking if the index is not zero. The result is an iterator that the for loop consumes starting from ‘Data1’.


  • Method 1: Using iter() and next(). Strength: Explicit. Weakness: Consumes the first item immediately, which makes it unusable later.
  • Method 2: Slicing the Iterable. Strength: Easy to understand and write. Weakness: Creates a copy of the list from the second item onwards, potentially using more memory.
  • Method 3: Using islice() from the itertools module. Strength: Doesn’t create a copy, good for memory efficiency. Weakness: Slightly less readable due to additional import and function call.
  • Method 4: Using enumerate() and Conditional. Strength: Provides index for further use. Weakness: Less elegant, introduces additional variables.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generator Expression. Strength: Compact and elegant. Weakness: Can be less readable for beginners due to the compactness and inline filtering.