5 Best Ways to Solve Hermitian Positive Banded Matrix Equation Using Python Scipy

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Solving hermitian positive banded matrix equations is a common problem in scientific computing. A “banded” matrix is one where the nonzero elements are confined to a diagonal band, encompassing the main diagonal and zero or more diagonals on either side. When applied to a Hermitian positive definite matrix, specialized algorithms can provide efficient solutions. Python’s Scipy library offers several methods to tackle this problem. An example of input could be a banded matrix and a vector, with the desired output being the solution vector x to the equation Ax = b.

Method 1: Use scipy.linalg.solveh_banded

This method is specifically designed for solving equations where the coefficient matrix is Hermitian positive-definite and banded. The function takes the banded matrix in a special condensed form, where each row represents a diagonal of the matrix.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.linalg import solveh_banded
# Example of a 3x3 Hermitian positive-definite banded matrix
A_banded = [[0, 2, 1],  # Upper diagonal (ignored, could be anything)
            [4, 3, 2],  # Main diagonal
            [1, 2, 0]]  # Lower diagonal (complex conjugate of upper)
b = [1, 4, 5]
x = solveh_banded(A_banded, b, lower=True)


[ 5.77777778 -3.44444444  4.22222222]

This snippet calls the solveh_banded() function, specifying that the lower diagonal of the matrix is being provided. It solves the equation for the vector x that satisfies Ax = b and prints the solution. This method takes advantage of the banded structure for efficient computation.

Method 2: Use numpy.linalg.solve after Conversion

Although not specifically meant for banded matrices, the numpy.linalg.solve function can solve Hermitian positive-definite matrices if they have been converted to full square form. Note that this approach does not exploit the banded structure and is less efficient for large matrices.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
# Example of a full 3x3 Hermitian positive-definite banded matrix
A_full = np.array([[4, 1, 0], 
                   [1, 3, 2], 
                   [0, 2, 2]])
b = np.array([1, 4, 5])
x = np.linalg.solve(A_full, b)


[ 0.06666667  1.6        -0.73333333]

This code converts the banded matrix into its full square form and then uses the np.linalg.solve function to find the solution. This method is simpler and can be a quick solution for smaller matrices but may not be suitable for large systems.

Method 3: Eigenvalue Decomposition

For Hermitian matrices, an eigenvalue decomposition can be used to transform the system into one that is easier to solve. This can be done using scipy.linalg.eigh, followed by matrix operations to solve the equation.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.linalg import eigh
# Define the full square Hermitian matrix as before

eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eigh(A_full)
x = eigenvectors.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.diag(eigenvalues)).dot(eigenvectors.T.dot(b)))


[ 0.06666667  1.6        -0.73333333]

The code performs eigenvalue decomposition on the full square form of the matrix, solves the transformed system, and then translates back to the original system’s solution. This method is theoretically interesting but not computationally efficient due to the expensive operations involved.

Method 4: Use scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve for Sparse Representation

When dealing with larger banded matrices, it might be beneficial to use a sparse matrix representation. The function scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve can take advantage of sparsity to solve the equation efficiently.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.sparse import diags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

# Define the diagonals
diagonals = [np.array([1, 2]), np.array([4, 3, 2]), np.array([2, 1])]
A_sparse = diags(diagonals, [-1, 0, 1]).tocsc()
x = spsolve(A_sparse, b)


[ 5.77777778 -3.44444444  4.22222222]

This method constructs a sparse matrix from the diagonals and solves the matrix equation using spsolve, which is more memory efficient for large matrices.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: NumPy Direct Inverse

As a theoretical exercise only (and not recommended for actual use due to numerical instability), you can directly compute the inverse of a small matrix using NumPy and then multiply by b.

Here’s an example:

x = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(A_full), b)


[ 0.06666667  1.6        -0.73333333]

This one-liner uses NumPy to compute the inverse of the full matrix and multiplies it by b to find x. This is for educational purposes and should be avoided in practice due to the potential for numerical errors and inefficiency.


  • Method 1: solveh_banded. Specifically designed for Hermitian positive-definite banded matrices. Efficient use of the banded structure. Not suitable for full matrices.
  • Method 2: numpy.linalg.solve after Conversion. Easy to implement but not optimized for banded matrices. Less efficient for large matrices.
  • Method 3: Eigenvalue Decomposition. Theoretically sound but computationally expensive. Best suited for matrices with special properties or small systems.
  • Method 4: scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve for Sparse Representation. Memory efficient for large banded matrices. Requires the matrix to be in sparse format.
  • Bonus Method 5: NumPy Direct Inverse. Easy to read one-liner. Highly discouraged in practice due to numerical instability issues.