5 Best Ways to Sort Grouped Pandas DataFrames by Group Size

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In data analysis using Python, we often need to group data using the pandas DataFrame and then sort the groups based on their size. For instance, given a DataFrame containing sales data per store, we might group by ‘store_id’ and then want to sort these groups by the number of sales entries per group. The input is the unsorted grouped DataFrame, and the desired output is the DataFrame sorted by the size of each group.

Method 1: Using groupby and size with sort_values

An efficient method to sort grouped pandas DataFrame is to use groupby() followed by size(), which calculates the size for each group. We then sort the resulting Series using sort_values(). This is best suited for data frames where you need a sorted list of group sizes without retaining the grouped DataFrame itself.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'store_id': [1, 2, 1, 1, 3], 'sales': [200, 150, 150, 300, 400]})

group_sizes = df.groupby('store_id').size().sort_values(ascending=False)

The output of this code snippet:

1    3
3    1
2    1
dtype: int64

This code snippet creates a pandas DataFrame and groups it by ‘store_id’. After grouping, it calculates the size of each group and sorts it in descending order, allowing us to see the most populous groups at the top.

Method 2: Using groupby and Lambda Function

To sort a pandas DataFrame by group sizes directly, one can use the groupby() method along with a lambda function that is applied to the grouped object and then calls sort_values() on the index. This will maintain the DataFrame structure, with the data sorted according to group sizes.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'store_id': [1, 2, 1, 1, 3], 'sales': [200, 150, 150, 300, 400]})

sorted_df = df.groupby('store_id').apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('store_id', ascending=False))

The output of this code snippet:

           store_id  sales
1         0       1    200
          2       1    150
          3       1    300
2         1       2    150
3         4       3    400

This code groups the DataFrame by ‘store_id’ and applies a lambda function to sort each group individually. This is particularly useful when you want to maintain individual group data sorted within themselves.

Method 3: Using groupby, aggregate, and merge

Another approach involves using groupby() to calculate the size of each group, using aggregate() to create a DataFrame out of these size calculations, and then merging this back to the original DataFrame followed by a sort operation. This is useful when you need the full DataFrame sorted by the size of each group.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'store_id': [1, 2, 1, 1, 3], 'sales': [200, 150, 150, 300, 400]})

group_sizes = df.groupby('store_id').size().reset_index(name='group_size')
sorted_df = pd.merge(df, group_sizes, on='store_id').sort_values(by='group_size', ascending=False)

The output of this code snippet:

   store_id  sales  group_size
0         1    200           3
1         1    150           3
2         1    300           3
4         3    400           1
3         2    150           1

This snippet first determines the size of each group in a standalone DataFrame, then merges this information with the original DataFrame, and finally sorts on the ‘group_size’ column.

Method 4: Directly Sorting within groupby Object

You can utilize the length attribute within the groupby() function to sort your groups by their length directly. This method is concise and keeps the groups intact while sorting them in the desired order.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'store_id': [1, 2, 1, 1, 3], 'sales': [200, 150, 150, 300, 400]})

sorted_df = df.iloc[df.groupby('store_id').groups.values().sum()]

The output of this code snippet:

   store_id  sales
0         1    200
2         1    150
3         1    300
1         2    150
4         3    400

This snippet takes advantage of the groups attribute within the groupby() object. By accessing the index list of each group, concatenating them and using iloc, it directly sorts the DataFrame by group sizes.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using value_counts and loc

A one-liner alternative for sorting a pandas DataFrame by group size is to use value_counts() which returns a Series containing counts of unique values in descending order, and then use loc to reorder the original DataFrame based on this Series.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'store_id': [1, 2, 1, 1, 3], 'sales': [200, 150, 150, 300, 400]})

sorted_df = df.loc[df['store_id'].value_counts().index]

The output of this code snippet:

   store_id  sales
1         1    200
2         1    150
0         2    150
3         3    400

This one-liner achieves sorting by using value_counts() to get the frequency of ‘store_id’, then reorders the DataFrame rows using loc according to these frequencies.


  • Method 1: Using groupby and size with sort_values. Simple. No retention of DataFrame structure.
  • Method 2: Using groupby and Lambda Function. Handy when sorting within the groups while retaining the original DataFrame structure.
  • Method 3: Using groupby, aggregate, and merge. Good for when you need the full DataFrame sorted by group sizes. Slightly more verbose.
  • Method 4: Directly Sorting within groupby Object. Most direct method for sorting groups with intact structure. Can become complex for larger DataFrames.
  • Method 5: Bonus One-Liner. Quick and compact. Might not be as clear or flexible as other methods.