5 Best Ways to Sort Lists of Floats in Descending Order in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You have a list of floating-point numbers, and you need to sort it in descending order. For example, given the input [3.14, 2.71, 1.62], the desired output is [3.14, 2.71, 1.62] sorted to [3.14, 2.71, 1.62].

Method 1: Using the sorted() Function

This method involves using Python’s built-in sorted() function, specifying the reverse=True parameter to sort the list in descending order. This function returns a new list and does not change the original list.

Here’s an example:

floats = [1.23, 2.34, 3.45, 4.56]
sorted_floats = sorted(floats, reverse=True)


[4.56, 3.45, 2.34, 1.23]

This code snippet first defines a list of floats and then uses the sorted() function with reverse=True to sort them in descending order, which will return a new sorted list.

Method 2: Using the sort() List Method

The sort() method is a list method that sorts the list in place. Like the sorted() function, it can take a reverse=True parameter to sort the list in descending order.

Here’s an example:

floats = [4.67, 3.56, 2.45, 1.34]


[4.67, 3.56, 2.45, 1.34]

The sort() method modifies the original list. After calling floats.sort(reverse=True), the list floats is sorted in descending order.

Method 3: Using Lambda Functions

Lambda functions can be used in the sorted() function or sort() method to reverse the sorting order. While not strictly necessary for sorting in descending order, they can be helpful for more complex sorting criteria.

Here’s an example:

floats = [7.89, 6.78, 5.67, 4.56]
sorted_floats = sorted(floats, key=lambda x: -x)


[7.89, 6.78, 5.67, 4.56]

The lambda function returns the negative of each float, thus reversing the sorting order when passed as the key argument to the sorted() function.

Method 4: Using List Comprehensions and reversed()

This method combines list comprehensions with the built-in reversed() function to reverse the sorted list. It is a two-step process but very readable.

Here’s an example:

floats = [2.71, 1.61, 3.14]
sorted_floats = [x for x in reversed(sorted(floats))]


[3.14, 2.71, 1.61]

By first sorting the list and then reversing it with a list comprehension, the floats are effectively sorted in descending order.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using the Reverse Parameter Directly

This is a variant one-liner that directly uses the reverse parameter with the sort() method for in-place sorting.

Here’s an example:

floats = [3.14, 2.71, 1.61]


[3.14, 2.71, 1.61]

This concise one-liner sorts the list floats in-place in descending order by setting the reverse parameter of the sort() method to True.


  • Method 1: Using the sorted() Function. Offers a quick, one-liner that sorts lists and returns a new list, leaving the original list unchanged. However, this method may not be as efficient memory-wise for large lists, as it creates a second list.
  • Method 2: Using the sort() List Method. This method sorts the list in place without creating a new list, which can be more memory-efficient. However, because it modifies the original list, it isn’t suitable when you need to retain the original order.
  • Method 3: Using Lambda Functions. Provides flexibility for custom sorting conditions, but in the case of descending sorting, it is a bit overkill since simpler options are available.
  • Method 4: Using List Comprehensions and reversed(). This is a very Pythonic way to do it, combining functionality from multiple parts of the language, though it might be less direct and slightly slower than other methods due to the two-step process.
  • Method 5: Bonus One-Liner. Perfect for a quick, in-place sort. It is as direct as you can get, but like Method 2, it alters the original list.