5 Best Ways to Sort Tuples Based on Occurrence of First Element in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You have a list of tuples where each tuple contains multiple elements. You want to sort this list based on the frequency of occurrence of the first element of the tuples. Given an input list such as [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)], the desired output after sorting would be [('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)] because ‘banana’ and ‘orange’ occur once while ‘apple’ occurs twice.

Method 1: Using collections.Counter to Count and Sort

This method involves using the collections.Counter class to count the occurrences of the first element in each tuple. Then, it sorts the original list of tuples based on the frequency data obtained from the Counter. It’s an efficient method since it takes advantage of dictionary’s O(1) average complexity for look-ups.

Here’s an example:

from collections import Counter

tuples = [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)]
counter = Counter(elem[0] for elem in tuples)
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: counter[x[0]], reverse=True)


The output is:

[('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)]

In this code snippet, we create a Counter object to count how many times each fruit (the first element of the tuple) appears. Then, we sort tuples using a custom key function that sorts based on the frequency obtained from the counter. The reverse=True argument sorts the items in descending order of frequency. Ties are broken by the order of the elements in the original list.

Method 2: Sorting with a Dictionary

In this method, we create a dictionary to keep counts of each occurrence of the first tuple element and sort the list based on these counts. This technique can be considered more straightforward than using a dedicated Counter class, but it might be less efficient due to explicit count handling.

Here’s an example:

tuples = [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)]
freq_dict = {}
for tup in tuples:
    freq_dict[tup[0]] = freq_dict.get(tup[0], 0) + 1
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: freq_dict[x[0]], reverse=True)


The output is:

[('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)]

This snippet manually creates a dictionary freq_dict that counts the occurrences of the first elements. Then it sorts the tuples list in the same way as Method 1, using these counts as the key for sorting.

Method 3: Using Defaultdict for Counting

By using the collections.defaultdict class, we avoid checking if the key exists in the dictionary while counting. This results in cleaner code and could potentially be more performant compared to an ordinary dictionary due to the absence of the key existence check.

Here’s an example:

from collections import defaultdict

tuples = [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)]
count_dict = defaultdict(int)
for tup in tuples:
    count_dict[tup[0]] += 1
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: count_dict[x[0]], reverse=True)


The output is:

[('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)]

Similar to the previous methods, we collect frequency data, this time into a defaultdict, which simplifies the code. We then sort based on this frequency information.

Method 4: Using List Comprehension and Count Method

Python’s list comprehension can be used alongside the list.count() method to achieve sorting without a separate data structure for storing counts. This method is not the most efficient due to repeatedly counting occurrences, but it’s a concise one-liner.

Here’s an example:

tuples = [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)]
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: -tuples.count(x))


The output is:

[('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)]

This one-liner leverages the list.count() method within the key function to sort the tuples. Notice the negation operator to avoid using the reverse argument.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using sort() and lambda

You can also directly sort the list in-place using the sort() method and a lambda function that references the list to be sorted itself. This can lead to very concise code but may be less readable and can perform poorly on larger datasets due to repeated counting.

Here’s an example:

tuples = [('apple', 2), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 1), ('banana', 5)]
tuples.sort(key=lambda x: tuples.count(x), reverse=True)


The output is:

[('banana', 5), ('orange', 3), ('apple', 2), ('apple', 1)]

This line modifies the original tuples list in-place by applying the sort() method. Like in Method 4, it uses the list.count() function for the sorting key function.


  • Method 1: Using collections.Counter. Efficient and concise. May require additional import.
  • Method 2: Sorting with a Dictionary. Straightforward approach. May be less efficient due to explicit counting.
  • Method 3: Using Defaultdict. Cleaner code without key checks. Improved performance potential over ordinary dictionaries.
  • Method 4: List Comprehension and Count Method. Concise one-liner. Performs inefficiently on large datasets due to repeated counting.
  • Bonus Method 5: In-place sort() with lambda. Very concise. Less readable and can perform poorly on larger datasets.