5 Best Ways to Sort Tuples of Strings by Length in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation:

When working with tuples in Python, you may often need to organize the strings they contain according to their length. This requires a method for sorting a tuple not by lexicographical order but explicitly by the length of its constituent strings. For example, given the input ('banana', 'apple', 'cherry'), the desired output would be ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry'), sorted ascending by string length.

Method 1: Using the sorted() function with a Custom Key Function

This method involves using Python’s built-in sorted() function, which sorts any iterable. By specifying a custom key function, we can direct the sort to organize the strings by their length instead of their alphabetical order. The key function is len, which returns the length of the strings, used to compare their sizes during the sort.

Here’s an example:

tuple_of_strings = ('banana', 'apple', 'cherry')
sorted_tuple = tuple(sorted(tuple_of_strings, key=len))


('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')

This code snippet first sorts the strings within the tuple by their length using the sorted() function and the len function as the key. It then converts the resulting list back into a tuple and prints the sorted tuple.

Method 2: Sorting with a Lambda Function

A lambda function is a small anonymous function that can have any number of arguments, but only one expression. In this case, we can use a lambda function as the key for the sorted() function, where the expression is the length of the strings. This is a concise and pythonic way to sort our tuple.

Here’s an example:

tuple_of_strings = ('banana', 'apple', 'cherry')
sorted_tuple = tuple(sorted(tuple_of_strings, key=lambda x: len(x)))


('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')

The code uses a lambda function to define an inline key function that returns the length of each string. The sorted() function uses this key to sort the strings in the tuple by length, resulting in a tuple sorted in ascending order of string lengths.

Method 3: Using Itemgetter

The itemgetter() function from the operator module can be used to sort a tuple of strings by length, provided that the tuple is converted into a list of tuples with each string accompanied by its length. This method requires an additional step but can be used effectively when your data is already paired with its length.

Here’s an example:

from operator import itemgetter
tuple_of_strings = ('banana', 'apple', 'cherry')
paired_tuple = tuple((len(s), s) for s in tuple_of_strings)
sorted_list = sorted(paired_tuple, key=itemgetter(0))
sorted_tuple = tuple(s for _, s in sorted_list)


('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')

This snippet first pairs each string with its length to create a list of tuples. It then sorts that list, using itemgetter(0) as the key, which sorts by the first item (string length) in each pair, and finally, it extracts the sorted strings back into a tuple.

Method 4: Sorting In-Place with a Custom Function

If we need to sort the tuple in place and perhaps we have a complex custom sorting criteria, we can use the sort() method on a list (since tuples are immutable), and then repack the sorted list into a tuple. The custom function would handle our sorting logic.

Here’s an example:

def sort_by_length(word):
    return len(word)

tuple_of_strings = ('banana', 'apple', 'cherry')
sorted_list = list(tuple_of_strings)
sorted_tuple = tuple(sorted_list)


('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')

The custom function sort_by_length returns the length of the strings, which is then used as the key argument for the sort() method. After sorting the list that was created from the tuple, the result is converted back to a tuple.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: A Compact Lambda Expression

If you’re a fan of concise code, a one-liner solution using a combination of a lambda function and the sorted() function can sort your string tuple by length in one go. This method is best when you want to keep your code minimal.

Here’s an example:

print(tuple(sorted(('banana', 'apple', 'cherry'), key=lambda x: len(x))))


('apple', 'banana', 'cherry')

This one-liner code sorts the elements within a tuple by the length of the strings. It defines a lambda function as the sorting key within the call to sorted() and then immediately converts the sorted list back into a tuple, all in one line of code.


    Method 1: Using sorted() with len. Strengths: Straightforward, readable. Weaknesses: None significant for basic sorting tasks. Method 2: Sorting with a Lambda Function. Strengths: Compact, pythonic. Weaknesses: Can be less readable for beginners. Method 3: Using Itemgetter. Strengths: Amenable to complex sorts, pairs well with sorted data. Weaknesses: More verbose, less direct. Method 4: Sorting In-Place with a Custom Function. Strengths: Customizable, clear for complex criteria. Weaknesses: Involves more code, less compact. Bonus Method 5: Compact Lambda Expression. Strengths: Extremely concise. Weaknesses: Can be less readable due to compactness.