5 Best Ways to Write a Python Program to Remove a Certain Length Substring From a Given String

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Imagine you have a string and you need to remove a substring of a specified length from it. For instance, given the string “HelloWorld” and the length 5, you would want to remove a substring, say “World”, leaving you with “Hello”. In this article, we will explore five methods to tackle this problem using Python programming.

Method 1: Slicing and Concatenation

String slicing allows you to extract certain parts of a string and concatenation enables you to join strings together. By determining the position (index) where you want to remove the substring, you can slice the string up to and from that point and then concatenate the two parts, effectively removing the desired substring.

Here’s an example:

string = "HelloWorld"
remove_length = 5 # Length of the substring you want to remove
start_index = 5 # Starting index of the substring you want to remove

# Remove substring
modified_string = string[:start_index] + string[start_index+remove_length:]

Output: Hello

The code above slices ‘HelloWorld’ into two parts: ‘Hello’ and ‘World’. It then skips the substring ‘World’ (5 characters starting from index 5) and concatenates the remaining portions, effectively removing ‘World’ and resulting in ‘Hello’.

Method 2: Using the replace() Method

The replace() method in Python replaces occurrences of a specified substring with another substring, which can be an empty string if you want to remove it. This method works well if you know the exact substring you wish to remove.

Here’s an example:

string = "HelloWorld"
substring_to_remove = "World"

# Remove substring
modified_string = string.replace(substring_to_remove, "")

Output: Hello

This snippet finds the substring ‘World’ in ‘HelloWorld’ and replaces it with an empty string, effectively removing it from the original string, resulting in ‘Hello’.

Method 3: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) provide powerful pattern matching capabilities. By specifying a pattern that matches a substring of a certain length, you can search for and remove it from the string. This method is highly flexible and can handle complex patterns.

Here’s an example:

import re

string = "HelloWorld123"
pattern = r"\D{5}" # Non-digit characters, exactly 5 times

# Remove substring
modified_string = re.sub(pattern, "", string)

Output: 123

In this example, re.sub() searches for 5 consecutive non-digit characters and removes them, leaving the digits ‘123’.

Method 4: List Comprehension and Joining

A more Pythonic way of removing substrings can be using a list comprehension to filter out unwanted parts of the string, followed by joining the list elements back into a string. This method is particularly useful when removing multiple instances of a substring of the same length.

Here’s an example:

string = "HelloWorldWorldHello"
substring_length = 5
substrings_to_remove = {"World", "Hello"}

# Remove substrings
modified_string = ''.join([
   for i in range(0, len(string), substring_length)
   if string[i:i+substring_length] not in substrings_to_remove


This snippet creates a list of substrings with a specified length and filters out the ones that are not in the set of substrings to remove. It then joins the remaining substrings back into a new string.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using String Methods in a One-Line Expression

For simple cases, you can use a combination of string methods such as find() and slicing in a one-liner to remove a substring.

Here’s an example:

string = "removeThisExampleString"
remove = "This"

# Remove substring in a one-liner
modified_string = string[:string.find(remove)] + string[string.find(remove)+len(remove):]

Output: removeExampleString

This one-liner finds the index of the substring to remove and then slices the string before and after this substring and concatenates them together.


  • Method 1: Slicing and Concatenation. Simple and straightforward. Limited to known fixed positions.
  • Method 2: Using the replace() Method. Easy and clean if you know the exact substring. Not suitable for pattern removal or variable lengths without additional logic.
  • Method 3: Using Regular Expressions. Powerful and versatile. Can be overkill for simple tasks and has a steeper learning curve.
  • Method 4: List Comprehension and Joining. Pythonic and efficient for removing multiple instances. Can become complex depending on the logic needed.
  • Method 5: Using String Methods in a One-Line Expression. Quick for simple use-cases. Lacks flexibility for more complex scenarios.