Assessing Amal’s Winning Chances in Python’s Stone Game

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: This article tackles the challenge of programming a solution to determine if a player named Amal can win a hypothetical game where players alternately take stones from a heap. The “Stone Game” is a classic problem where players are faced with a heap containing a certain number of stones and each player can take a specific set of quantities (e.g., 1, 3, 4 stones) during their turn. The winner is the player who takes the last stone. We wish to determine if Amal, starting first, has a winning strategy given the initial number of stones. For example, if there are 20 stones and a player can take either 1 or 3 stones on a turn, we want to output whether Amal can win or not.

Method 1: Recursion

An approach to solve the stone game is using a recursive function that simulates each possible move. The function will try different moves (taking 1, 3, or 4 stones) and recursively check if the remaining stones yield a losing position for the opponent. If there is at least one move that leads to the opponent’s loss, then Amal can win.

Here’s an example:

def can_win(stones_left):
    if stones_left == 0:
        return False
    for move in [1, 3, 4]:
        if stones_left - move >= 0 and not can_win(stones_left - move):
            return True
    return False


Output: True

This code defines a function can_win that returns True if Amal can win given the number of stones left. It uses recursion to explore all possible moves, and if any lead to an opponent loss (stones_left becomes 0), it concludes that Amal can win.

Method 2: Dynamic Programming (Top-Down)

Dynamic programming can be applied to this problem by storing the results of subproblems to avoid redundant calculations. This method uses a memoization technique in conjunction with recursion to remember outcomes of previous states, enhancing performance.

Here’s an example:

def can_win(stones_left, memo):
    if stones_left in memo:
        return memo[stones_left]
    if stones_left == 0:
        memo[stones_left] = False
        return False
    for move in [1, 3, 4]:
        if stones_left - move >= 0 and not can_win(stones_left - move, memo):
            memo[stones_left] = True
            return True
    memo[stones_left] = False
    return False

memo = {}
print(can_win(20, memo))

Output: True

This snippet extends the recursive solution by adding a dictionary called memo that records the results of each call to can_win() with a given number of stones left. This avoids recalculations and makes the program faster.

Method 3: Dynamic Programming (Bottom-Up)

A bottom-up dynamic programming approach iteratively builds up a solution using previously computed values. This method is iterative and does not involve recursion. It starts from the base cases (0 stones) and computes the outcome for progressively higher numbers of stones.

Here’s an example:

def can_win(stones_total):
    dp = [False] * (stones_total + 1)
    dp[0] = False
    for stones_left in range(1, stones_total + 1):
        dp[stones_left] = any(not dp[stones_left - x] for x in [1, 3, 4] if stones_left - x >= 0)
    return dp[stones_total]


Output: True

The function can_win initializes a list dp that will store the win/loss information for each possible number of stones. It then populates this list, determining Amal’s potential to win for the given total number of stones.

Method 4: Mathematical Evaluation

Sometimes, for games like these, there’s a mathematical pattern or strategy that can be deduced to decide the outcome. By analyzing the game rules and possible moves, it’s possible to derive a formula or a set of conditions that determine the winner.

Here’s an example:

def can_win(stones_left):
    # For instance, if Amal can only win when the number of stones
    # is not divisible by a certain number (like 5 for instance),
    # we might have something like this:

    return stones_left % 5 != 0


Output: False

This code snippet checks if the number of stones left is not a multiple of a number (in this case, 5). The example provided is a simplistic interpretation of a potentially more complex mathematical pattern that could emerge from understanding the rules of the game deeply.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Python’s Ternary Operator

This concise method employs Python’s ternary conditional operator to return a win or loss outcome in a single line of code. It works well with games where the winning condition can be boiled down to a simple logical expression.

Here’s an example:

can_win = lambda stones_left: stones_left % 5 != 0

Output: False

A one-liner lambda function is defined as can_win, which instantaneously checks the condition for winning the game given the number of stones left. It returns the outcome by evaluating a logical expression.


  • Method 1: Recursion. Straightforward, illustrates the problem well, but can be slow due to redundant calculations.
  • Method 2: Dynamic Programming (Top-Down). Memoization speeds up the process by storing already computed results, which saves time.
  • Method 3: Dynamic Programming (Bottom-Up). It is space and time-efficient, avoiding stack overflow problems associated with deep recursion.
  • Method 4: Mathematical Evaluation. The fastest method, if applicable, revolves around finding a formula to directly determine the winner.
  • Method 5: One-Liner. Ideal for simple conditions, not suitable for complex scenarios without expanding to full logic.