Chatbot Factory: Streamline Python Chatbot Creation with LLMs and Langchain

This guide, based on my personal experience creating Chatbots, helps you build Chatbots that use advanced technologies like large language models, external tools such as Wolfram Alpha, Google search, and short-term and long-term memory. I created this video to showcase all the code in this tutorial, feel free to play as you scroll through the … Read more

How I Created a High-Performance Extensible ChatGPT Chatbot with Python (Easy)

I wanted to learn how to read from the text of the US Army field manual and build a chatbot to answer questions from it. The military is embracing ChatBots, so there is demand for a question and answer Chatbots that can give them their operational data at their fingertips. They want to use their … Read more

Line Charts — Learning Line Charts with Streamlit

Streamlit is an easy-to-use rapid web application development platform. It can create compelling data visualizations using python. Line charts are one of the many types of charts that Streamlit can display. Line charts are often a great visual for displaying numerical data over time.  This tutorial will teach you how to easily create and configure … Read more

Python Random Word Generator Game

I found a question on a Random Word Generator game on the question and answer site StackOverflow.  The question contained a small runnable version of the game code. The author’s question was: where to find large English word lists on the internet? Getting this large list of words would add good game replay value to … Read more