Before After Image in Plotly Dash

πŸ’‘ This article will show you how to use the BeforeAfter image component in your Plotly Dash project.

Dash book author Ann just created the following stunning web project visualizing before/after galaxy images from the James Webb Space Telescope in a simple and straightforward Dash app using the BeforeAfter component of the dash-extensions library.

pip install dash-extensions

Before we dive into the code, here’s a screenshot of the stunning interactive dashboard visualization created in the project:

Feel free to visit the live app showing different exciting images from the Hubble and Webb telescopes here:

🌎 Interactive Live App:

It’s fun to play with it for 5-minutes—the pics from the Universe are stunning! 🐍

You can find the source code here:

πŸ’» Full Source Code:

The code to produce this easy app can be packed in only ~40 lines Python!

I highlighted the necessary code to create the BeforeAfter component from the dash-extensions package:

from dash import Dash, html
from dash_extensions import BeforeAfter
import dash_mantine_components as dmc

app = Dash(__name__)

header = html.Div(
        dmc.Title("James Webb Space Telescope", order=1),
        dmc.Text("First Images -- Before and After -- Hubble vs Webb"),

def make_before_after(before, after):
    return html.Div(
                [dmc.Text("Hubble"), dmc.Text("Webb")],
                style={"width": 1000},
            BeforeAfter(before=before, after=after, height=800, width=1000),

tabs = dmc.Tabs(
        dmc.Tab(make_before_after("/assets/webb_deep_field.jpg", "/assets/deep_field.jpg"), label="Galaxy Cluster SMACS 0723"),
        dmc.Tab(make_before_after("/assets/webb_stephans_quintet.jpg", "/assets/stephans_quintet.jpg"), label="Stephans Quintet"),
        dmc.Tab(make_before_after("assets/webb_carina.jpg", "/assets/carina.png"), label="Carina Nebula"),
        dmc.Tab(make_before_after("assets/webb_southern_nebula.jpg", "assets/southern_nebula.jpg"), label="Southern Ring Nebula"),

app.layout = dmc.MantineProvider(
    dmc.Container([header, tabs]), theme={"colorScheme": "dark"}, withGlobalStyles=True

if __name__ == "__main__":

It makes use of the BeforeAfter component and the dash_mantine_components from Plotly Dash.

Adam’s video greatly explains the Before After Image Slider — feel free to watch it and leave a like in the video for his effort educating the Dash community for free with outstanding content:

You can find a tutorial on how to install dash here.

You can find our full book on Python Dash here:

Book Python Dash

If you’re interested in learning more about how to create beautiful dashboard applications in Python, check out our new book Python Dash.

You’ve seen dashboards before; think election result visualizations you can update in real-time, or population maps you can filter by demographic.

With the Python Dash library, you’ll create analytic dashboards that present data in effective, usable, elegant ways in just a few lines of code.

Get the book on NoStarch or Amazon!