Best Python Requests Tutorials

Hey Finxters! It is time for another article on Python and one of its libraries. In this article I want to present to you the best Python tutorials on the Requests Library. These tutorials are a great way to get started in building your portfolio, and your Python skills as a developer. Without any hesitation, let us dive in head first to this unique library!

Tutorial 1: Real Python

Real Python is the place to go for tutorials on Python of all kinds! This Requests tutorial will take you over installation and the other methods of Requests including checking authentication and inspecting your requests.

Pros: Perfect for the beginner learning the Requests Library.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 2: Hartley Brody

This tutorial was written for beginners but it could also be used for the developer who needs a refresher on the Requests Library. It goes over the basics and includes code snippets for you to use for practice.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 3: Read the Docs

This tutorial goes in depth in Requests by starting with some background on requests then goes over a step by step tutorial on how to get the most out of the Requests library.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 4: Edureka!

This tutorial focuses on the get() and post() methods from Request. You will learn how to not only call these but also how to handle images, insert headers and cookies into a request and learn about session objects.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 5: Digital Ocean

This tutorial was created by Digital Ocean to give an overview of requests and what can be done with it. In this tutorial, you can learn about status codes and use the requests library to translate API error cases.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 6: Python for Beginners

This Python tutorial on requests is straightforward and simple in that in goes over what can be done with this library and how. By the end of this tutorial, you will have enough basic knowledge to scrape the web yourself.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 7: Tutorials Point

Tutorials Point is another great site for learning Python and its libraries.Here you can go slowly through each aspect of learning requests in-depth. It is perfect for the beginner and the advanced developer.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 8: Geeks for Geeks

This tutorial will also take you through the basics of the requests library. You’ll learn authentication using python requests, SSL certificate authentication and session objects

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 9: DataCamp

DataCamp is another source to learn the Requests Library from. Here you will learn HTTPs requests and how they work in Python. You’ll let the get() function and downloading images.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Tutorial 10: W3Schools

W3Schools is the perfect place to learn Python and its libraries. In this module you will learn to download, install and the methods in Requests.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.