Rabbit R1 Device – What’s the Hype?

The tech community is abuzz with discussions about the Rabbit R1 Device, featuring a Natural Language OS. There’s a growing anticipation around this device, especially due to its potential to revolutionize how we interact with technology. The Rabbit R1, reportedly equipped with a large language model (LLM), offers a new level of speed and efficiency, … Read more

What’s the Difference Between ROM and NVM?

ROM (Read-Only Memory) and NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) are two types of memory used in computing. ROM (Read-Only Memory) is a non-volatile memory used mainly for storing firmware, typically written once and not meant for frequent rewriting. NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) is a broader category of non-volatile memory used for various storage purposes, allowing frequent data writing … Read more

Python – How to Open a File by Regular Expression?

In Python, you can use the glob module’s glob.glob(pattern) function to find all the pathnames matching a specified pattern (e.g., ‘*.py’) according to the rules used by the Unix shell, which includes functionality for wildcard matching that can be used similarly to regular expressions for filename matching. Here’s a minimal example that filters out all … Read more

How to Append a Dictionary to a Non-Existent CSV File

Appending data to a CSV file is a common task in data processing. But what if the CSV file doesn’t exist yet? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to append a dictionary to a non-existent CSV file using Python’s csv module. Prerequisites: πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Step 1: Import CSV and OS Python Libraries πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Step 2: Check … Read more

Organize Files by Suffix: How I Created a Python Script to Automate a Boring Task

Does the nature of your work involve going through a folder full of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of files? What if you were told to organize those files according to their extension in a subdirectory, imagine how boring and time-consuming such a task would be if the files contain dozens of extensions! What if … Read more

I Used This Python Script to Rename All Files in Subfolders (Recursive)

I’m currently working on a website project for the Finxter ecosystem, where I’m given a folder with subfolders (and subfolders within) that contain image files. Example folder structure: folder — subfolder1 —- image1.jpg —- image2.jpg —- image3.jpg — subfolder2 —-image1.jpg —-image2.jpg Across the subfolders, the files may have the same name, which causes an issue … Read more