How to Differentiate Beginner from Professional Coder?

Every Python programmer has its own skill level with respect to Knowledge of the programming language and syntax Ability to solve problems Speed of code understanding Knowledge of algorithms and code complexity Ability to select appropriate data structures. Although it is challenging to aggregate these skills into a single number that quantifies the degree of … Read more

Zip & Unzip: How Does It Work in Python?

The zip() function takes a number of iterables and aggregates them to a single one by combining the i-th values of each iterable into a tuple. For example, zip together lists [1, 2, 3] and [4, 5, 6] to [(1,4), (2,5), (3,6)]. You can unzip this list of tuples by calling zip(*list) using the unpacking … Read more

What is the Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn Python Programming?

My freelancer course member Pratyush wants to improve learning efficiency in Python. He asked me the question: “how can I accelerate the pace of my problem-solving mind?” Focus first and foremost on reading and writing massive amounts of code. It’s that simple. Maximize the time you are looking at source code, and improvement will come … Read more

Recursion: A Helpful Guide in Python

Recursion is a powerful tool in your coding toolbox. Understanding it is a key skill on your path to mastery. This article gives you a thorough introduction to this important computer science concept. What is Recursion? Stephen Hawking used a concise explanation: “to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.” Recursion is a concept in … Read more

Python: “0.1 + 0.2 β‰  0.3”. Me: “?”

Python Representation Error: This article explains why floating-point arithmetic can lead you astray in Python. Floating-point arithmetic cannot represent some numbers precisely. While many people think it’s a bug, it’s actually not. Have a look at the following code snippet: In the code snippet, you have assumed that the number 0.1 actually represents the decimal … Read more