The Top 6 AI Tools That I Can’t Live Without

✨ Image generated with one of the tools by the author. ✨ As you may know from the Finxter newsletter, I’ve been diving deep into generative AI, building apps, creating content, and experimenting with hundreds of AI tools over the last three years. The vast majority of AI tools is worthless. But there is a … Read more

Why Meta Is Spending $BILLIONS on NVIDIA Compute

Here’s the video: Why watch this video? Monetization Ideas Zuck is Copying Steven Spielberg’s Playbook (“Ready Player One”) 👉 “”In 2045, people seek to escape from reality through a virtual reality entertainment universe called the OASIS (Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation), created by James Halliday and Ogden Morrow of Gregarious Games.”” Some Conclusions Imagine the … Read more

Wie überprüft man die Luftqualität auf giftige Gase? Ist Dieses 4-Gasmonitor das Beste?

Suchen Sie nach einem zuverlässigen Gasdetektor für den persönlichen Gebrauch oder die Arbeit? Wir haben den tragbaren CHNADKS 4-Gasmonitor getestet und waren beeindruckt. Das Gerät misst CO, O2, H2S und brennbare Gase und bietet eine schnelle Reaktionszeit von unter 30 Sekunden. Der Bildschirm zeigt alle relevanten Daten gut lesbar an, und die Alarme in Ton, … Read more

Top 10 Reddit Communities for Tech Enthusiasts

Reddit hosts a vast universe of communities where technology lovers, investors, and visionaries can explore the latest trends, discuss groundbreaking ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals. Here’s a list of top subreddits I found interesting. All of those are treasure troves for those passionate about technology, investing in tech, and futuristic concepts. Community 1: /r/technology … Read more

Creating Wealth in an AI-Driven World: Your 5-Step Action Plan

AI has scaled and solved what we traditionally call work or intelligent labor, understanding where and how to position yourself for prosperity requires a shift in perspective. It’s a paradigm shift! Let’s dive into five specific, actionable strategies that resonate with this new paradigm. 1. Master the Art of Resource Allocation Rights In a world … Read more

Financial Freedom Calculator

The Finxter mission is to help you stay on the right side of change. To do that, you need to own or control assets because the economy consists of capital and labor. When do you reach financial freedom under different investment assumptions? Let’s find out! 👇 Initial Value ($): Monthly Contribution ($): Annual Return on … Read more

The New Era of Capital – Why Being a Good Worker Doesn’t Cut It Anymore

The economy is capital and labor. Historically, intelligent labor has been the limiting factor. With the rise of LLMs, generative AI, and robotics, labor is poised to become infinitely scalable. The bottleneck of intelligent labor is now resolved. Each time we remove a bottleneck from a system, a new bottleneck emerges. The new bottleneck in … Read more

Alien Technology: Catching Up on LLMs, Prompting, ChatGPT Plugins & Embeddings

What is a LLM? 💡 From a technical standpoint, a large language model (LLM) can be seen as a massive file on a computer, containing billions or even trillions of numerical values, known as parameters. These parameters are fine-tuned through extensive training on diverse datasets, capturing the statistical properties of human language. However, such a … Read more

Why The Universal Simulation Demands INFINITE Compute

👨‍🎓 Source: This first appeared in my free email newsletter. The successive application of very simple computational rules is the underlying mechanism that builds the Universe: “[…] The ultimate machine code of the Universe – yes, it’s computational. Computation isn’t just a possible formalization, it’s the ultimate one.” – Stephen Wolfram The human brain calculates … Read more

Following The Script

👉 This email is written on 02/07/2024 as part of the free Finxter newsletter. Join >100k tech enthusiasts! Here’s The Script™ society wants you to follow: Work hard, be disciplined, study (and study some more) – and reach success. Well, society has no money-back guarantee (unlike Finxter). More importantly, you won’t get the lost time … Read more