Check Ubuntu Version: A Quick and Efficient Guide

To check your Ubuntu version, use the terminal commands lsb_release -a for full details, lsb_release -d for version only, or cat /etc/os-release for system information.

Alternatively, go to System Settings β†’ About in the GUI for version and kernel details.

For hardware details, use uname -m and sudo lshw commands in the terminal or check System Settings β†’ Details.

The Linux kernel version is available with uname -r.

Other methods include inspecting the content of /etc/lsb-release, /etc/issue, or various /etc/*release files.

Check Ubuntu Version Using Terminal

Checking your Ubuntu version through the terminal is a fast and efficient way to do it. In this section, we’ll discuss two commands you can use to achieve this: lsb_release and cat. Both commands are simple to execute and give you the required information promptly.

LSB Release Command

The lsb_release command is an essential command for obtaining your Ubuntu version. Open your terminal using the Ctrl + Alt + T keyboard shortcut or through the applications menu. Then, enter the following command:

lsb_release -a

You’ll see an output like this:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic

The Description field contains the Ubuntu version along with its respective LTS status. If you prefer to view only the Ubuntu version, you can use the -d flag with the lsb_release command, like this:

lsb_release -d

Cat Command

Another way to verify your Ubuntu version is by using the cat command. This command reads the /etc/os-release file, which contains information about your Ubuntu distribution. To check your Ubuntu version with the cat command, open your terminal and enter:

cat /etc/os-release

This will display an output similar to the following:

VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS"

You can find the Ubuntu version in the PRETTY_NAME field, which includes the LTS status and codename.

πŸ’‘ TLDR: The terminal offers two straightforward methods using either the lsb_release or cat command. Both commands provide a quick and clear response without navigating through the desktop environment. πŸ–₯️✨

Accessing Ubuntu Version Through GUI

In this section, we will explore how to check the Ubuntu version using the graphical user interface (GUI) method.

System Settings

To access the Ubuntu version through the GUI, you will need to navigate to the System Settings menu. This is the main control hub for your desktop environment, allowing you to customize and manage various aspects of your operating system.

  1. Click on the gear icon 🎚️ from the top-right corner of your screen or search for “Settings” in your application launcher.
  2. Once the System Settings menu is open, proceed to the next step.

About Tab

In the System Settings menu, you will find the “About” tab, which provides essential information about your Ubuntu OS, including the version, codename, kernel version, and details about your hardware.

  1. Locate and click on the “About” tab within the System Settings menu.
  2. In the “Details” section, you’ll find the information related to your Ubuntu version displayed. The operating system version, codename, and Linux kernel version are shown here.

For example:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Codename: Focal Fossa
  • Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-80-generic

Keep in mind that Ubuntu offers different flavors, such as Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Ubuntu GNOME, which use varied desktop environments. The method to access the Ubuntu version via the GUI remains the same across all the flavors. With this information in hand, you can now easily check your Ubuntu version using the graphical interface πŸ‘Œ.

Discover Information from Ubuntu Version

Hardware Information

When identifying your Ubuntu version, also uncover various hardware details. To find the system’s architecture, use the following command in the terminal: uname -m. This will display information about the processor, helping identify whether it’s a 32-bit or 64-bit system. If you want a detailed report on hardware components, such as CPU, memory, and storage, run this command: sudo lshw.✨

Ubuntu also allows access to system information through graphical user interfaces, such as System Settings β†’ Details.

Kernel Details

The Ubuntu version offers insights into the Linux kernel version. Use the command uname -r in the terminal to find the kernel version. This information is crucial when managing drivers, security patches, and compatibility concerns.

In addition to the kernel version, get details about the whole system through the lsb_release -a command. This terminal command provides comprehensive information, such as:

  • Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  • Description: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Release: 18.04
  • Codename: bionic
  • ID_LIKE: Identifies related distributions
  • PRETTY_NAME: A human-readable version of the release name
  • VERSION_ID: Specific numeric Ubuntu version
  • HOME_URL, SUPPORT_URL, BUG_REPORT_URL: URLs for resources related to the release

For a more concise output, type lsb_release -d to display only the description line.

πŸ’‘ Remember that Ubuntu is a Linux-based open-source software built on the GNU (General Public License) framework. It is popular for providing long-term support (LTS) releases, ensuring a stable and reliable user experience compared to other operating systems like Windows.

Other Ways to Identify Ubuntu Version

Apart from the commonly used lsb_release command, there are several other methods to identify the Ubuntu version on your system.

One alternative is to check the content of the /etc/lsb-release file. You can use the following command to access this file: cat /etc/lsb-release. The output will include information such as the DISTRIB_ID, DISTRIB_RELEASE, DISTRIB_CODENAME, and DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION.

Another option is to examine the /etc/issue file. Running the cat /etc/issue command will display a brief message containing the Ubuntu version and codename. Keep in mind that this file might not always reflect the correct version if the system was upgraded from an earlier release.

In some cases, you might want to explore the contents of various /etc/*release files. These files can provide additional information about your Ubuntu distribution, along with details about its development and hardware compatibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I determine my Ubuntu version from the terminal?

To determine your Ubuntu version from the terminal, open a Terminal window using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T and enter the following command: lsb_release -a. The output will display your current Ubuntu version. πŸ–₯️✨

What are different ways to find out the Ubuntu version?

Besides the terminal method mentioned above, you can also check your Ubuntu version through the graphical user interface (GUI) by navigating to the system settings, and then clicking on the “Details” panel. Here, you’ll see information about your operating system, including the Ubuntu version you’re using. πŸ› οΈπŸ‘€

How to identify if I’m using Ubuntu Xenial or Bionic?

To distinguish between Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) and Bionic (18.04), use the terminal command lsb_release -a. The output will include a “Codename” line that displays either Xenial for Ubuntu 16.04 or Bionic for Ubuntu 18.04. πŸ§πŸ”

What is the command to check the system specifications on Ubuntu?

To view the system specifications on Ubuntu, open a Terminal using the Ctrl + Alt + T shortcut, and enter the following command: sudo lshw. This command will display hardware information about your computer, such as processor, memory, and storage specifications. βš™οΈπŸ’»

How to verify my Ubuntu version before upgrading?

Before upgrading your Ubuntu version, it’s essential to know your current version. Open a Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T), and run the command lsb_release -a. The output will show your current Ubuntu version, which can help you determine whether an upgrade is necessary or if your system is already up to date. πŸ’‘πŸ”„

Is there a way to check Ubuntu version without using terminal?

Yes, to check your Ubuntu version without using the terminal, you can navigate to the system settings and click on the “Details” panel. This panel displays information about your operating system, including the version of Ubuntu you’re using. πŸ–±οΈπŸ“œ

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