Checking 32-bit vs 64-bit on Windows

Method 1: Run Dialog

To check whether your Windows operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit, follow these steps:

  1. Open System Information:
  • Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type msinfo32 and press Enter. This opens the System Information window.
  1. Check the System Type:
  • In the System Information window, look for a field named “System Type”.
  • This field will specify whether your operating system is x64-based (64-bit) or x86-based (32-bit).

Method 2: Control Panel

Alternatively, you can also check this through the Control Panel:

  1. Open Control Panel:
  • Open the Start menu and type “Control Panel”, then select it from the search results.
  1. Go to System:
  • In the Control Panel, select “System and Security”, and then click on “System”.
  1. Check the System Type:
  • Under the System section, look for “System type”. It will display either “64-bit Operating System” or “32-bit Operating System”.