Converting Python Bytearray to Characters: Top 4 Methods plus a Bonus One-Liner

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You’re working with a Python bytearray and you need to convert it to a string of characters. For instance, you have a bytearray that looks like bytearray(b'hello') and you want to convert it to the plain string 'hello'. This article illustrates different methods to make this conversion efficiently.

Method 1: Using bytearray.decode()

The .decode() method converts a bytearray into a string by decoding the bytes using a specified codec. By default, it uses the ‘utf-8’ encoding but can be customized to cater for other encoding types.

Here’s an example:

byte_array = bytearray(b'hello')
string = byte_array.decode('utf-8')

Output: hello

This code snippet creates a bytearray from a byte string and then decodes it to a string using UTF-8 encoding. The .decode() method is straightforward and suitable for most use cases involving text encoding.

Method 2: Using str() Constructor with an Encoding

The str() constructor can accept a bytes or bytearray object as its first argument and an encoding as its second argument to convert it to a string.

Here’s an example:

byte_array = bytearray(b'world')
string = str(byte_array, 'utf-8')

Output: world

This code snippet demonstrates the conversion of a bytearray to a string using the str() constructor with ‘utf-8’ as the encoding argument. It’s another simple and direct conversion method.

Method 3: Using bytes.decode()

First convert the bytearray into a bytes object using the bytes() constructor and then apply the .decode() method to perform the conversion.

Here’s an example:

byte_array = bytearray(b'Python')
bytes_obj = bytes(byte_array)
string = bytes_obj.decode('utf-8')

Output: Python

In this snippet, the bytearray is first cast to bytes and then decoded to a string. This is a two-step process that might be useful when working with libraries or APIs that specifically require a bytes object before decoding.

Method 4: Using a For Loop and chr()

You can manually convert each byte in the bytearray to a character using a for loop along with the chr() function, which returns a string representing a character whose Unicode code point is the integer parameter.

Here’s an example:

byte_array = bytearray(b'coding')
chars = [chr(b) for b in byte_array]
string = ''.join(chars)

Output: coding

This code snippet shows a manual approach, constructing a list of characters from the bytearray using a list comprehension and chr(), and then joining them into a string. This method gives you control over the conversion process and can be adapted for more complex transformations.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using map() and join()

Apply the chr() function to each element of the bytearray using map() and then join them into a string with join().

Here’s an example:

byte_array = bytearray(b'example')
string = ''.join(map(chr, byte_array))

Output: example

This concise one-liner performs a functional mapping of the chr() function over the bytearray and combines the results into a single string. It’s clean and elegant for simple conversions without additional overhead.


  • Method 1: Using bytearray.decode(): Straightforward and commonly used. The default UTF-8 encoding works for most scenarios. Not suitable for non-text byte data.
  • Method 2: Using str() Constructor with an Encoding: Simple and effective, allows for the specification of encoding. Might cause errors with mismatched or unknown encodings.
  • Method 3: Using bytes.decode(): Offers a way to transition through a bytes object if needed for API compatibility. It’s a bit verbose for straightforward conversions.
  • Method 4: Using a For Loop and chr(): Provides fine-grained control over each character’s conversion and can handle non-standard conversion logic. It’s more verbose and lower level.
  • Method 5: Using map() and join(): Quick and functional one-liner. It has the elegance of functional programming but may be less readable for beginners.