Converting Python Bytearray to Little Endian: Top 5 Methods

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation:

In many computing scenarios, it’s necessary to convert data to little endian format, which orders bytes starting with the least significant value. For developers working with binary data in Python, efficiently converting a bytearray to little endian is a common task. This article explores several methods to achieve this. Imagine you have the following input bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04') and you want the output to be represented in little endian as b'\x04\x03\x02\x01'.

Method 1: Using struct Module

This method involves Python’s built-in struct module which provides functions to convert between Python values and C structs represented as Python bytes objects. It’s specifically designed for handling binary data formats and includes functionality to handle endianness.

Here’s an example:

import struct

def to_little_endian(bytearr):
    fmt = f'<{len(bytearr)}B'
    return struct.pack(fmt, *bytearr)

# Using the function
bytearr = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')
little_endian = to_little_endian(bytearr)

Output: b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'

The to_little_endian function above creates a format string for struct.pack() that specifies a sequence of bytes and ensures they are arranged in little endian order using the ‘<' character. It then unpacks the bytearray into the pack function, effectively converting the byte order.

Method 2: Using Slice Notation

Python’s slice notation on byte arrays can be used to reverse the order of the bytes, achieving a little endian representation. This method is quick and doesn’t require any additional modules.

Here’s an example:

# Simple byte array reversal function
def to_little_endian(bytearr):
    return bytearr[::-1]

# Using the function
bytearr = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')
little_endian = to_little_endian(bytearr)

Output: b'\x04\x03\x02\x01'

The function to_little_endian takes a bytearray object and returns a new bytearray with the order of bytes reversed using slice notation [::-1]. This simple trick works because endian conversion for byte-oriented data structures is effectively a byte reversal.

Method 3: Using Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations can be used to manually shift the byte values to their correct position in little endian order. This method involves more code complexity but offers a lower-level understanding of the process.

Here’s an example:

def to_little_endian(bytearr):
    result = 0
    for i, byte in enumerate(bytearr):
        result |= byte << (i * 8)
    return result.to_bytes(len(bytearr), byteorder='little')

# Using the function
bytearr = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')
little_endian = to_little_endian(bytearr)

Output: b'\x04\x03\x02\x01'

In the to_little_endian function, a loop is used to shift each byte by its appropriate number of bits (0, 8, 16, …) and combine them using the bitwise OR operator into the resulting integer. The .to_bytes() method then converts this integer back into a byte sequence, specifying little endian byte order.

Method 4: Using byteswap() Method

The byteswap() method, available on NumPy arrays, provides a means to swap the byte order of an array. By converting a bytearray to a NumPy array, one can take advantage of this function for endian conversion.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

def to_little_endian(bytearr):
    arr = np.array(bytearr)
    return arr.tobytes()

# Using the function
bytearr = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')
little_endian = to_little_endian(bytearr)

Output: b'\x04\x03\x02\x01'

The function to_little_endian converts the bytearray into a NumPy array, then calls byteswap() with the inplace=True argument to swap the byte order within the array, and finally uses tobytes() to convert the NumPy array back into a bytes object.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using int.from_bytes() and int.to_bytes()

A compact way to convert bytearrays to little endian is by using the int.from_bytes() function to read the bytearray into an integer, and then using int.to_bytes() to convert back to bytes with the desired endianess.

Here’s an example:

bytearr = bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')
little_endian = int.from_bytes(bytearr, 'big').to_bytes(len(bytearr), 'little')

Output: b'\x04\x03\x02\x01'

This one-liner leverages Python’s ability to convert numbers between different byte orders. By reading the bytearray as a big-endian integer and then immediately converting that integer back to bytes as little endian, one efficiently achieves the desired conversion.


  • Method 1: struct Module. Reliable for different data types and structures. Can be slightly verbose for simple use cases.
  • Method 2: Slice Notation. The simplest and most Pythonic way. Limited to byte-by-byte reversal; might not work with more complex data structures.
  • Method 3: Bitwise Operations. Offers deep control and understanding. More error-prone and harder to read.
  • Method 4: NumPy byteswap(). Requires an external module but useful for large datasets or multidimensional arrays.
  • Method 5: One-Liner int.from_bytes() and int.to_bytes(). Clean and concise. May not be immediately clear to readers unfamiliar with byte manipulations.