Converting Python gmtime to datetime

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, developers often need to convert structures in the time module, such as time.gmtime(), to a datetime object for more versatility in handling dates and times. For example, an input of time.gmtime() may need to be transformed into a datetime object that allows for timezone awareness or datetime manipulations.

Method 1: Using the datetime Module

This method involves creating a datetime object from the tuple returned by time.gmtime() using datetime.datetime. This approach explicitly accesses the tuple elements to construct a datetime instance which is timezone naive and assumes UTC.

Here’s an example:

import time
from datetime import datetime

# Obtain struct_time in UTC
gmtime_struct = time.gmtime()

# Convert to datetime
utc_datetime = datetime(*gmtime_struct[:6])



2023-04-12 14:23:24

This code first creates a struct_time object in UTC using time.gmtime(). Then, it instantiates a datetime object by unpacking the first six elements of the struct_time tuple, providing the necessary year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values.

Method 2: Using calendar.timegm()

With this method, calendar.timegm() is used to convert the struct_time returned by time.gmtime() into a POSIX timestamp, which is then passed to datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp() to get a timezone-naive datetime object in UTC.

Here’s an example:

import time
import calendar
from datetime import datetime

# Obtain struct_time in UTC
gmtime_struct = time.gmtime()

# Convert to POSIX timestamp and then to a datetime object
utc_timestamp = calendar.timegm(gmtime_struct)
utc_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_timestamp)



2023-04-12 14:23:24

This snippet first converts the struct_time to a POSIX timestamp with calendar.timegm(). Unlike time.mktime(), which assumes local time, calendar.timegm() correctly handles UTC time. The POSIX timestamp is then used to create a datetime object with datetime.utcfromtimestamp().

Method 3: Using pytz for Timezone Awareness

The pytz library can be used for timezone conversions. After converting struct_time to a naive datetime object, pytz allows for assigning a timezone to it, thus making the datetime object timezone aware.

Here’s an example:

import time
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

# Obtain struct_time in UTC
gmtime_struct = time.gmtime()

# Convert to naive datetime
naive_datetime = datetime(*gmtime_struct[:6])

# Make it timezone aware
utc_datetime = pytz.utc.localize(naive_datetime)



2023-04-12 14:23:24+00:00

First, a timezone-naive datetime is created. Using the pytz library, this naive datetime is localized to UTC to make it timezone aware, which helps in handling daylight saving time and can be easily converted to other timezones.

Method 4: Using datetime.replace and pytz

Another option to get a timezone-aware datetime object is to create a naive datetime from gmtime and replace its tzinfo. The pytz library is used to handle the timezone in a proper way.

Here’s an example:

import time
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

# Obtain struct_time in UTC
gmtime_struct = time.gmtime()

# Convert to naive datetime
naive_datetime = datetime(*gmtime_struct[:6])

# Set timezone info
aware_datetime = naive_datetime.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)



2023-04-12 14:23:24+00:00

This snippet also results in a timezone-aware datetime object. Unlike the previous method, here the tzinfo is set directly using the replace method. It is important to use a reliable source like pytz when setting tzinfo to handle the intricacies of timezone data.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using datetime Constructor with Unpacking

A quick one-liner can also achieve the conversion by passing the unpacked struct_time elements directly into the datetime constructor with a fixed tuple to fill the missing values aimed at microseconds and tzinfo.

Here’s an example:

import time
from datetime import datetime



2023-04-12 14:23:24

By unpacking gmtime() up to the sixth element directly into datetime(), this one-liner creates a datetime object, assuming all elements after seconds are either zero (for microseconds) or None for tzinfo.


  • Method 1: Using the datetime Module. Reliable and straightforward. However, it does not deal with timezone information natively.
  • Method 2: Using calendar.timegm(). It avoids the local time assumptions made by mktime. Requires additional import of the calendar module.
  • Method 3: Using pytz for Timezone Awareness. Provides a straightforward path to timezone-aware datetimes. Requires the external pytz library.
  • Method 4: Using datetime.replace and pytz. Offers direct way to set tzinfo. Relies on pytz for accurate timezone data, which is an extra dependency.
  • Method 5: Bonus One-Liner. Quick and easy for when timezone information isn’t needed. Doesn’t provide timezone awareness and assumes the rest of the tuple elements are not needed.