Converting Python Time to Integers: 5 Effective Methods

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time data in Python, a common challenge is converting various time formats to an integer representation. For example, one might want to convert the current time to an integer value that represents the number of seconds since midnight to perform time arithmetic or store timestamps efficiently. Let’s explore how to translate a time object or timestamp into an integer.

Method 1: Using time Module to Get Seconds Since Epoch

This method involves using the time module to get the number of seconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC) as an integer. The time.time() function provides this value. The epoch is a commonly used reference point in time-related programming.

Here’s an example:

import time

seconds_since_epoch = int(time.time())



The code snippet above imports the time module, then uses the time.time() function to fetch the current time in seconds since the epoch as a floating-point number, which is then converted to an integer using the int() function.

Method 2: Converting Struct Time to Seconds Since Midnight

To get the number of seconds since midnight, we can create a struct time object for the current time and then calculate the total seconds by multiplying the hours by 3600 and adding minutes multiplied by 60 and the number of seconds.

Here’s an example:

import time

current_time = time.localtime()
seconds_since_midnight = (current_time.tm_hour * 3600 + current_time.tm_min * 60 + current_time.tm_sec)




Here, the localtime() function creates a struct time object representing the local time. The properties tm_hour, tm_min, and tm_sec are used to calculate the total seconds since midnight.

Method 3: Using datetime Module for Seconds Since Midnight

The datetime module provides classes for manipulating dates and times. The following method uses the function to get the current local date and time, and then uses timedelta to calculate the seconds since midnight.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime

now =
midnight = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
seconds_since_midnight = int((now - midnight).total_seconds())




In the code snippet, now is a datetime object representing the current time, and midnight is the same day but set to midnight. Subtracting midnight from now gives us a timedelta object where total_seconds() provides the total number of seconds. We convert this to an integer for the seconds since midnight.

Method 4: Extracting Seconds from Timestamp String

Often, time is represented as a timestamp string. To get seconds from such a timestamp, we can parse the string to a datetime object and then apply the timedelta approach as in previous methods.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime

timestamp_string = "2023-03-07T12:34:56"
formatted_time = datetime.strptime(timestamp_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
seconds_since_midnight = int((formatted_time - formatted_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)).total_seconds())




The code parses a timestamp string into a datetime object using the strptime function with a format string matching the timestamp. Then it calculates the seconds since midnight as in the previous example.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using divmod with time.time()

For a quick, one-liner solution, we can use the divmod() function on the result of time.time() to directly get the seconds part, which is effectively the seconds since midnight in UTC.

Here’s an example:

import time

seconds_since_epoch = int(time.time())
_, seconds_since_midnight = divmod(seconds_since_epoch, 86400)




This compact snippet calculates the seconds since epoch and uses divmod() with 86400 (the number of seconds in a day) to get the remainder, which equals the seconds since midnight in UTC.


  • Method 1: Using time Module. Quick and straightforward. Provides a universal timestamp. Does not account for time zones.
  • Method 2: Struct Time to Seconds. Simple to understand. Relies on the time module. Timezone dependent and not suitable for date arithmetic.
  • Method 3: Using datetime Module. More flexible and powerful for date/time manipulations. Timezone aware. Moderately complex.
  • Method 4: Timestamp String Parsing. Best for use with string formats. Requires knowledge of the input format. Moderately complex.
  • Bonus Method 5: One-Liner with divmod. Very concise. Best for quick calculations. Lacks clarity for beginners and is UTC only.