Converting Timestamps to Weekly Periods in Python Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time series data in Python’s Pandas library, one might need to convert timestamps to periods with a weekly frequency. This conversion is essential for analysis revolving around week-based trends. For instance, given a timestamp ‘2023-03-01 08:30:00’, the goal would be to convert this to a period representing the week of ‘2023-02-27/2023-03-05’.

Method 1: Using to_period() with a ‘W’ frequency

This method leverages the to_period() function available on Pandas’ DatetimeIndex, which converts a timestamp to the specified frequency period. By specifying ‘W’ as the frequency, the period will represent weekly intervals starting on Monday and ending on Sunday.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

timestamp = pd.Timestamp('2023-03-01 08:30:00')
weekly_period = timestamp.to_period(freq='W')



The Timestamp object is first created for the specified datetime, and to_period() is then used to convert this to a weekly period. The output is a string representing the start and end dates of the week containing the original timestamp.

Method 2: Using dt.to_period() on a Series

When dealing with a Series of timestamps, the dt accessor provides a way to apply period conversion across the entire series. The to_period() method used in conjunction with dt applies the conversion to each element in the series.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

timestamps = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2023-03-01', periods=3, freq='D'))
weekly_periods = timestamps.dt.to_period(freq='W')


0    2023-02-27/2023-03-05
1    2023-02-27/2023-03-05
2    2023-02-27/2023-03-05
dtype: period[W-SUN]

This code snippet generates a series of three consecutive days and then converts each date in the series to the corresponding weekly period, resulting in a series of period objects.

Method 3: Using resample() for time series data

The resample() method is another powerful feature in Pandas that allows for conversion of timestamps to periods according to a specific frequency. This is very useful in aggregating time series data by weeks.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

date_range = pd.date_range('2023-03-01', periods=7, freq='D')
time_series = pd.Series(range(7), index=date_range)
weekly_resampled = time_series.resample('W').sum()


2023-03-05    15
Freq: W-SUN, dtype: int64

Here, a time series dataset is created and resampled to a weekly frequency using resample('W'). The sum of values within each week is calculated, giving an aggregated view per week.

Method 4: Using groupby() with Grouper

The groupby() method along with pd.Grouper() can group data by week and provide aggregation. This technique is particularly versatile for more complex grouping operations.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

data = pd.date_range('2023-03-01', periods=7, freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': data, 'value': range(7)})
weekly_grouped = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='W')).sum()


2023-03-05     15

A DataFrame is created with daily dates and corresponding values. The groupby() method is used with pd.Grouper() to group these dates by the week, then summing up the values for each group.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using DataFrame’s dt accessor directly

Sometimes, a one-liner can accomplish what you need. Here’s a swift conversion using the dt accessor directly in a DataFrame.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'timestamp': pd.date_range('2023-03-01', periods=3, freq='D')})
df['weekly_period'] = df['timestamp'].dt.to_period('W')


   timestamp         weekly_period
0 2023-03-01  2023-02-27/2023-03-05
1 2023-03-02  2023-02-27/2023-03-05
2 2023-03-03  2023-02-27/2023-03-05

By directly adding a new column to the DataFrame and using dt.to_period('W'), each timestamp is converted to its corresponding weekly period in the same operation. This is elegant for quick transformations.


  • Method 1: Using to_period() with a ‘W’ frequency. Strengths: straightforward and ideal for single timestamps. Weaknesses: not directly applicable to Series or DataFrames without applying to each element.
  • Method 2: Using dt.to_period() on a Series. Strengths: works well on Series objects. Weaknesses: not suitable for individual timestamp conversion without creating a Series.
  • Method 3: Using resample() for time series data. Strengths: great for resampling and aggregating time series data. Weaknesses: more involved and only applicable for Series with a DateTimeIndex.
  • Method 4: Using groupby() with Grouper. Strengths: highly versatile for complex period groupings. Weaknesses: more complex syntax and requires an understanding of grouping in pandas.
  • Bonus Method 5: DataFrame’s dt accessor directly. Strengths: concise one-liner for DataFrames. Weaknesses: lacks the explicit control of period conversion present in some other methods.