In this article, you’ll study a beautiful Python puzzle which was created by my friend and co-author Lukas.
When I saw this puzzle the first time, I was very lazy about it. I looked at the puzzle and immediately threw my answer into Lukas’ face.
It was so obvious…
But Lukas kept smiling and I began to wonder whether I committed too fast to a solution. This always happened to me in chess when I solved seemingly simple “chess puzzles” – and failed.
The coding game is won by the patient who carefully examines code. Over the years, I learned this lesson the hard way (hundreds of hours debugging stupid mistakes)!
Ok, so here it is:
# Code Puzzle my_tuple = 1, 1, 1 == (1, 1, 1) print(my_tuple)
What’s the output of this code puzzle?
As usual, check out the correct answer and track your learning progress on the Finxter app.
Happy puzzling!
PS: Thanks for the great response about the Python style checker. I’ve included some of your feedback today.
Check out the current version and tell me how you like it!
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