Python Integer Division [2-Min Tutorial]

When I started to learn Python 3, I used to be confused about the semantics of dividing two integers. Is the result a float or an integer value?

The reason for my confusion was a nasty Java bug that I once found in my code. The code was supposed to perform a simple division of two integers to return a parameter value between zero and one. But Java uses integer division, i.e., it skips the remainder. Thus, the value was always either zero or one, but nothing in-between. It took me days to figure that out.

Save yourself the debugging time by memorizing the following rule once and for all.

The double-backslash // operator performs integer division and the single-backslash / operator performs float division. An example for integer division is 40//11 = 3. An example for float division is 40/11 = 3.6363636363636362.

>>> # Python 3
>>> 40//11
>>> 40/11

How Does Integer Division Work In Python?

Integer division consists of two steps:

  1. Perform normal float division a / b.
  2. Round the resulting float number down to the next integer.

Here’s an example:

x = 30 // 11
# 2

Integer Division Python 2 vs 3

Python 2.x divides two integers using integer division, also known as floor division because it applies the floor function after the regular division to β€œround it down”, so it evaluates the expression 5/2 to 2. In Python 3, integer division is performed using the double frontslash 5//2 which evaluates to 2. The single frontslash for floor division β€œ/” is depreciated in Python 2.2+ and Python 3.

Here’s the code for integer division in Python 2 using the single frontslash operator /:

# Python 2
# 3

And here’s the code for integer division in Python 3 using the double backslash operator //:

# Python 3
# 3

Interactive Shell + Puzzle

You can try it in our interactive Python shell:

Exercise: What is the output of this code snippet?

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Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are syntactical shortcuts to perform basic mathematical operations on numbers.

+AdditionCalculating the sum of the two operands3 + 4 == 7
SubtractionSubtracting the second operand from the first operand4 - 3 == 1
*MultiplicationMultiplying the first with the second operand3 * 4 == 12
/DivisionDividing the first by the second operand3 / 4 == 0.75
%ModuloCalculating the remainder when dividing the first by the second operand7 % 4 == 3
//Integer Division, Floor DivisionDividing the first operand by the second operand and rounding the result down to the next integer8 // 3 == 2
**ExponentRaising the first operand to the power of the second operand2 ** 3 == 8