Discover Words with Common Initials in Python: Top 5 Methods

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Python developers often face the challenge of finding words in a collection sharing the same initial letters. For instance, given a list of words like ["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"], the task is to identify groups of words that start with the same letter, such as [["apple", "ape"], ["bat", "ball"], ["cat"]]. This article explores five effective methods to achieve this in Python.

Method 1: Using Defaultdict

The collections.defaultdict class provides a convenient way to group words by their initial character. Words are mapped to keys that represent their starting letter, allowing for quick and easy grouping and retrieval. This method is effective and efficient for large sets of data.

Here’s an example:

from collections import defaultdict

def group_words(words):
    grouped = defaultdict(list)
    for word in words:
    return list(grouped.values())

words = ["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"]


[['apple', 'ape'], ['bat', 'ball'], ['cat']]

This code snippet defines a function group_words() that uses a defaultdict to accumulate words in lists, grouped by their first letter. It iterates through each word, using the first character as the key, and appends the word to the corresponding list. Finally, it returns the grouped words as a list of lists.

Method 2: Using itertools.groupby

The itertools.groupby function is an elegant and efficient tool for grouping elements of an iterable. This method requires the input list to be sorted by the grouping key beforehand. It is well suited for scenarios where the input is already sorted or can be sorted quickly.

Here’s an example:

from itertools import groupby

words = sorted(["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"], key=lambda x: x[0])
grouped_words = [list(group) for key, group in groupby(words, lambda x: x[0])]


[['ape', 'apple'], ['ball', 'bat'], ['cat']]

The snippet demonstrates how to use groupby after sorting the list of words by the first letter. The resulting groups are then transformed into a list of lists representing words with the same initial.

Method 3: Using Dictionaries

Simple dictionaries can be used to group words by their first letters. This is a straightforward approach that does not require any imports and works well with smaller sets of words. It’s a clear and easy-to-understand method ideal for beginners.

Here’s an example:

def group_words_simple(words):
    groups = {}
    for word in words:
        if word[0] in groups:
            groups[word[0]] = [word]
    return list(groups.values())

words = ["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"]


[['apple', 'ape'], ['bat', 'ball'], ['cat']]

This code defines a function group_words_simple() that creates a dictionary to store lists of words according to the initial characters. Words are added to the appropriate lists as the iteration over the input list occurs.

Method 4: Using a Trie Data Structure

A Trie, also known as a prefix tree, is an advanced data structure that provides efficient information retrieval. It stores words in such a way that common prefixes are represented only once, which is extremely useful when dealing with a large number of words with shared beginnings.

Here’s an example:

class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = {}
        self.words = []

def insert(root, word):
    node = root
    for letter in word:
        if letter not in node.children:
            node.children[letter] = TrieNode()
        node = node.children[letter]

def group_words(words):
    root = TrieNode()
    for word in words:
        insert(root, word)
    return [node.words for node in root.children.values()]

words = ["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"]


[['apple', 'ape'], ['bat', 'ball'], ['cat']]

The code defines a simple TrieNode class and functions to insert words into the trie and then group them by their first letter, making use of the structure where each node stores a list of complete words sharing a common prefix.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehension and setdefault

Python’s dictionary method setdefault along with list comprehension can be used for a one-liner solution to the problem. This method utilizes Python’s concise syntax to achieve the same result in a single line of code.

Here’s an example:

words = ["apple", "ape", "bat", "ball", "cat"]
grouped = {}
[grouped.setdefault(word[0], []).append(word) for word in words]


[['apple', 'ape'], ['bat', 'ball'], ['cat']]

The one-liner uses a list comprehension to iterate over the list of words and employs setdefault to append words to lists in the dictionary, indexed by their first letters. The final result is obtained by converting the dictionary values to a list.


  • Method 1: Defaultdict. Strengths: Efficient and straightforward for grouping by keys. Weaknesses: Requires importing collections.defaultdict.
  • Method 2: itertools.groupby. Strengths: Elegant and efficient for sorted data. Weaknesses: Requires the input list to be sorted beforehand, which may add additional overhead.
  • Method 3: Dictionaries. Strengths: Simple and easy to understand. Weaknesses: May not be as efficient with a very large dataset.
  • Method 4: Trie Data Structure. Strengths: Extremely efficient for large datasets with many common prefixes. Weaknesses: More complex to implement and understand.
  • Method 5: One-Liner Setdefault. Strengths: Concise and quick to write. Weaknesses: May sacrifice readability for brevity, and list comprehension is not traditionally used for side effects.