Efficient Strategies to Retrieve Integer Locations for Labels in Pandas with No Exact Match

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with Python’s Pandas library, one might need to locate the integer index of a specified label in a DataFrame or Series. However, the label might not always exactly match the existing indices. In this case, it’s useful to know how to get the integer location of the nearest index label that comes before the requested label. This article demonstrates ways to handle such scenarios, where for example, if we request the label ‘b’ in the index [‘a’, ‘c’, ‘d’], we would want to get the integer location of ‘a’ since ‘b’ is not an exact match.

Method 1: Using get_loc with method='ffill'

The Index.get_loc method in Pandas can be used to find the label index and supports a method parameter. When you set this to 'ffill', it finds the location of the first label it comes across when forward filling, effectively giving you the previous label if there is no exact match.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

index = pd.Index(['a', 'c', 'd'])
label_to_find = 'b'
location = index.get_loc(label_to_find, method='ffill')




This code snippet first creates a Pandas Index object with labels and then uses the get_loc method with the method parameter set to 'ffill'. This instructs get_loc to return the location for ‘a’, as it’s the immediate label before ‘b’ in the index.

Method 2: Searching with a Boolean Mask

One can search for the closest index label prior to the requested label by creating a boolean mask where each value indicates whether the index is less than the label. Then, taking the last True value gives us the previous label’s location.

Here’s an example:

index = pd.Index(['a', 'c', 'd'])
label_to_find = 'b'
mask = index < label_to_find
location = mask[::-1].idxmax()




After creating a boolean mask which flags all values less than ‘b’, the code reverses the mask and uses idxmax to find the first True instance, which corresponds to the desired location.

Method 3: Utilizing Binary Search with searchsorted

Use the searchsorted method which performs a binary search on the Index, returning the insertion point if the label is not present. By default, it finds the index where the label would be placed to maintain order, but with the argument ‘left’, it gives us the index to the left, essentially the one we want.

Here’s an example:

index = pd.Index(['a', 'c', 'd'])
label_to_find = 'b'
location = index.searchsorted(label_to_find, side='left') - 1




In this example, searchsorted finds where ‘b’ would be inserted to keep the index in order. Since ‘b’ comes after ‘a’, the insertion index is 1, and subtracting one gives us the index of ‘a’.

Method 4: Harnessing take with negative indices

A negative index in Pandas’ take method allows you to access elements from the end of a Series or DataFrame. Combine this with searchsorted to retrieve the value directly before our searched label.

Here’s an example:

index = pd.Index(['a', 'c', 'd'])
label_to_find = 'b'
location = index.take([index.searchsorted(label_to_find, side='left') - 1])



Index(['a'], dtype='object')

In this snippet, the take method is used in conjunction with searchsorted to directly retrieve the previous index label as a Pandas Index object.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Chained Comparison with max

A quick one-liner utilizing chained comparisons can also yield the desired result. It uses the max built-in to get the largest label that is still smaller than the requested label.

Here’s an example:

index = pd.Index(['a', 'c', 'd'])
label_to_find = 'b'
location = max(index[index < label_to_find])




This concise code filters the index to only those labels less than ‘b’ and then uses max to find the largest of these, providing us with our answer.


  • Method 1: Using get_loc with method='ffill'. Simple and specific to Pandas. Might not work as expected if the index is not sorted.
  • Method 2: Searching with a Boolean Mask. Versatile and fairly intuitive. Could be less efficient on larger datasets due to handling of boolean arrays.
  • Method 3: Utilizing binary search with searchsorted. Very efficient. Can be unintuitive as it requires adjusting the result to get the previous index.
  • Method 4: Harnessing take with negative indices. Direct and to the point. Might return an unexpected result if not handled with care, especially with out-of-bounds indices.
  • Method 5: Chained Comparison with max. Clever and concise for quick operations. Relies on index being sorted, and could throw an error if there is no smaller label.