Efficient Ways to Sort a Python List of Strings by the Frequency of a Specific Character

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, one may face the task of sorting a list of strings based on how frequently a particular character (let’s call it ‘k’) appears in each string. The goal is to order the list so that strings with a higher frequency of ‘k’ appear before those with a lower frequency. For example, given the list ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"] and the character ‘a’, the desired output would be ["banana", "apple", "date", "cherry"], sorted by the descending frequency of ‘a’.

Method 1: Using a Custom Sort Function

This method involves defining a custom sort function that calculates the frequency of ‘k’ in each string and uses this function as the key argument in the list’s sort method. This approach is clean, explicit, and maintains good readability of the code.

Here’s an example:

def k_freq(s, k):
    return s.count(k)

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]
strings.sort(key=lambda x: k_freq(x, 'a'), reverse=True)


['banana', 'apple', 'date', 'cherry']

This code snippet defines a function k_freq that takes a string and a character and returns the count of the character in that string. It then sorts the list of strings in-place using this function as the key for sorting, with the reverse=True parameter to make sure the list is sorted in descending order of character frequency.

Method 2: Using the sorted() Function with a Lambda Expression

This method is similar to Method 1, but instead of sorting the list in-place, it returns a new list. The sorting is done by the sorted() function, which takes the list and a lambda expression that calculates the frequency of ‘k’ as its key parameter.

Here’s an example:

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]
sorted_strings = sorted(strings, key=lambda x: x.count('a'), reverse=True)


['banana', 'apple', 'date', 'cherry']

This code snippet creates a new sorted list using the sorted() function. It uses a lambda function as the key for sorting that counts the occurrences of ‘k’ in each string, making it a one-liner. The results are in descending order thanks to the reverse=True argument.

Method 3: Using a Counter from the collections Module

Employing a Counter can be more efficient for larger data sets or strings with a large character set. This method uses the Counter class to create a dictionary of character frequencies for each string, which allows for fast frequency lookups when sorting.

Here’s an example:

from collections import Counter

def k_freq(s, k):
    return Counter(s)[k]

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]
strings.sort(key=lambda x: k_freq(x, 'a'), reverse=True)


['banana', 'apple', 'date', 'cherry']

In this snippet, k_freq is a function that creates a Counter object for a string, which is a dictionary-like object that stores elements as keys and their counts as values. The lambda function then uses this to get the count of ‘k’ for sorting.

Method 4: Using itemgetter and map Functions

By mapping each string in the list to its frequency of ‘k’, and then sorting by these frequencies using itemgetter, this method allows for concise and potentially more optimal code in some scenarios.

Here’s an example:

from operator import itemgetter

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]
k = 'a'
frequencies = list(map(lambda s: (s, s.count(k)), strings))
strings_sorted = [string for string, count in sorted(frequencies, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)]


['banana', 'apple', 'date', 'cherry']

This code maps each string to a tuple containing the string and its ‘a’ count, then sorts this list of tuples primarily by the second item (the count) using the itemgetter() function from the operator module. Finally, it extracts the sorted strings into a new list.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a List Comprehension with sorted()

A neat one-liner that combines the sorted() function with a list comprehension to achieve the sorting task without defining any additional functions or importing any modules.

Here’s an example:

strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]
sorted_strings = sorted(strings, key=lambda s: -s.count('a'))


['banana', 'apple', 'date', 'cherry']

This one-liner code sorts the list of strings by the negated frequency of ‘k’, effectively sorting it in descending order. No additional function definitions or imports are required, making it elegant and concise.


  • Method 1: Custom Sort Function. Offers clear and readable code. Ideal for readability but can be slightly verbose for simple tasks.
  • Method 2: Using sorted() with Lambda. Provides a clean one-liner for creating a new sorted list. As it creates a new list, it uses more memory than sorting in place.
  • Method 3: Using collections.Counter. Most efficient for strings with many distinct characters. Involves additional overhead due to creating Counter objects.
  • Method 4: Using itemgetter and map. Good for optimizing sort operations when used correctly. However, the code is less intuitive and requires understanding map and itemgetter.
  • Method 5: One-Liner List Comprehension. The most concise solution presented. Ideal for quick scripting or inline sorting. It might not be as readable for beginners.