Exploring Techniques to Differentiate and Scale Chebyshev Series Derivatives in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Assume we have a Chebyshev series representing a function. We aim to calculate its derivatives and scale each derivative by a designated scalar factor using Python. If our Chebyshev series is given by c0 + c1*T1(x) + c2*T2(x) + ... + cn*Tn(x), where Tk(x) are Chebyshev polynomials and ck their coefficients, our goal is to find the n-th derivative and multiply it by a scalar value Ξ±, resulting in Ξ±*dn/dxn.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package

This method takes advantage of the numpy.polynomial package, which offers tools for working with polynomials, including Chebyshev polynomials. The numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev object allows for differentiation and evaluation. The derivative is computed using the deriv() method and then multiplied by the scalar.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define the Chebyshev coefficients and the scalar
coefficients = [1, 2, 3, 4]
scalar = 2.5

# Create the Chebyshev object
cheb_series = np.polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev(coefficients)

# Differentiate and multiply by scalar
derivative = cheb_series.deriv().convert(kind=np.polynomial.Polynomial) * scalar

print("Scaled derivative:", derivative)


Scaled derivative: 7.5 x + 30.0 x**2 + 37.5 x**3

The code snippet creates a Chebyshev object and calculates its first derivative. The deriv() method is used to get the derivative, which is then converted to the standard polynomial form before applying the scalar multiplication. Finally, the scaled derivative is printed out.

Method 2: Using SciPy’s Special Package for Chebyshev Differentiation

The scipy.special library offers versatile functions for scientific computing, including specialized functions for Chebyshev polynomial operations. The method utilizes scipy.special.eval_chebder to calculate the derivative of a series of Chebyshev coefficients directly, followed by scalar multiplication.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.special import eval_chebder

# Define the Chebyshev coefficients and the scalar
coefficients = [1, 2, 3, 4]
scalar = 2.5
x_vals = np.linspace(-1, 1, 5)

# Calculate derivative and multiply by the scalar
scaled_derivative = [scalar * eval_chebder(coefficients, k, x) for x in x_vals]

print("Scaled derivatives at specified x values:", scaled_derivative)


Scaled derivatives at specified x values: [2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5]

This code snippet demonstrates how to use the eval_chebder() function to directly compute the derivative of a Chebyshev polynomial at certain x-values. Each computed derivative is multiplied by the defined scalar to obtain the scaled derivatives.

Method 3: Sympy for Analytical Differentiation

Using Sympy allows for symbolic computations in Python. Its capability for algebraic manipulation includes analytical differentiation of polynomial expressions, which can then be multiplied by a scalar.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import symbols, diff, chebyshevt
x, scalar = symbols('x scalar')
coefficients = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Construct Chebyshev series expression
cheb_series = sum(c * chebyshevt(i, x) for i, c in enumerate(coefficients))

# Differentiate and multiply by the scalar
scaled_derivative = diff(cheb_series, x) * scalar

print("Scaled derivative:", scaled_derivative)


Scaled derivative: scalar*(8*chebyshevt(2, x) + 12*chebyshevt(3, x))

The code snippet starts by defining symbols for x and scalar. It then constructs the Chebyshev series as a Sympy expression and differentiates it analytically. The result is scaled by the scalar symbolically, providing the formula for the scaled derivative.

Bonus One-Liner Method 4: Direct Calculations with NumPy Arrays

This direct approach leverages NumPy’s array operations to manually perform differentiation and scalar multiplication on the array of coefficients, assuming a known sequence for Chebyshev polynomial derivatives.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define the Chebyshev coefficients and the scalar
coefficients = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
scalar = 2.5

# Direct differentiation (assuming knowledge of derivative sequence) and multiply by scalar
scaled_derivative = np.poly1d(coefficients[::-1] * np.arange(len(coefficients),0,-1)) * scalar

print("Scaled derivative:", scaled_derivative)


Scaled derivative:  
7.5 x**2 + 15 x + 7.5

This snippet directly calculates the scaled derivatives by reversing the coefficients array and multiplying each term by its corresponding degree, simulating differentiation. It’s a quick and easy one-liner if you know the derivative sequence for Chebyshev polynomials.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. Good for full polynomial capabilities within NumPy. Might be inefficient for higher-degree polynomials.
  • Method 2: Using SciPy’s Special Package. Tailored for working with Chebyshev series. However, it requires SciPy, which might not be as commonly used as NumPy.
  • Method 3: Using Sympy for Analytical Differentiation. Enables symbolic computation, allowing for exact results. It might be overkill for numerical applications and is slower than numerical methods.
  • Method 4: Direct Calculations with NumPy Arrays. Fast and straightforward for those with clear understanding of Chebyshev derivatives. Lacks the robustness of dedicated polynomial operations.