Extracting Frequency Strings from CustomBusinessDay Objects in Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with time series data in Python, it’s common to use Pandas to handle business day calculations. A frequent task might involve creating a CustomBusinessDay object to represent business day offsets. However, once you have that object, you might need to extract the frequency information as a string for display or serialization purposes. Suppose you have a CustomBusinessDay object representing typical business days excluding weekends and you wish to retrieve the frequency (‘B’ for business day, for example) as a plain string.

Method 1: Using the freqstr attribute

This method uses the freqstr attribute of the offset object. Assuming you have a CustomBusinessDay object, you can access this attribute directly to obtain the string that represents its frequency. It is a straightforward and easy-to-read solution, provided directly by the pandas library.

Here’s an example:

from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessDay

# Define a CustomBusinessDay object
cbd = CustomBusinessDay(weekmask='Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri')

# Retrieve the frequency as a string
frequency_str = cbd.freqstr




This code snippet creates a CustomBusinessDay object named cbd that includes all weekdays. By accessing the freqstr attribute of this object, we retrieve the frequency code, which for CustomBusinessDay is represented by the string ‘C’.

Method 2: Converting to a Rule Code String with to_offset()

The to_offset() method can convert a frequency string into a DateOffset object. In reverse, when applied to a DateOffset object, it can help extract the frequency rule code. This method is useful for objects that are already standardized DateOffset instances in pandas.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Assume cbd is a pre-defined CustomBusinessDay object
cbd = pd.offsets.CustomBusinessDay()

# Using to_offset() to retrieve rule code
rule_code_str = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(cbd).freqstr




This snippet shows the use of to_offset() to convert a CustomBusinessDay object to a DateOffset, and then using its freqstr to get the frequency as a string. Again, the output is ‘C’, indicating the custom business day frequency.

Method 3: Using a Custom Function to Parse Frequency

If you are working with complex CustomBusinessDay objects or have special requirements, creating a custom function to parse and return the frequency string might be necessary. This allows for customization and flexibility in handling various edge cases.

Here’s an example:

def get_frequency_as_string(offset):
    # Here, implement custom logic based on your requirements
    return offset.freqstr

# Example usage with the custom function
frequency_str = get_frequency_as_string(cbd)




In this code, we define a function get_frequency_as_string, which can include custom logic to determine the frequency string from a given offset. We then use this to get the frequency string of a CustomBusinessDay object. The output is ‘C’, as expected.

Method 4: Inspecting Offsets with Reflection

Reflection in Python can be used to inspect objects, including those representing date/time offsets. Using reflection, you can programmatically explore the attributes and methods of an offset object to find the frequency string. This is an advanced method and is generally overkill for this task but could be useful in a dynamic environment where the offset types are not known in advance.

Here’s an example:

import inspect

# Let us assume cbd is our CustomBusinessDay object
# Using reflection to inspect and find frequency
attributes = inspect.getmembers(cbd, lambda a:not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
frequency_attr = [a for a in attributes if a[0] == 'freqstr']




This snippet demonstrates how you can use Python’s inspect module to explore the properties of the CustomBusinessDay object to find the frequency string. This is an advanced technique that should only be used when simpler methods do not suffice.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Extracting with a Lambda Function

For a quick and concise solution, you can use a lambda function to extract the frequency string. This one-liner approach is perfect for in-line use within larger constructs or list comprehensions.

Here’s an example:

frequency_str = (lambda x: x.freqstr)(cbd)



This one-liner uses a lambda function that takes an offset object and returns its freqstr. When called with cbd as the argument, it outputs the frequency as a string instantly.


  • Method 1: freqstr attribute. Straightforward. Limited to pandas-defined attributes.
  • Method 2: to_offset() conversion. Useful for standardized DateOffset objects. Requires import of the frequencies module.
  • Method 3: Custom Function. Flexible and customizable. May require additional logic.
  • Method 4: Reflection. Powerful and dynamic. Overly complex for simple frequency extraction tasks.
  • Bonus Method 5: Lambda Function. Compact and inline. Not as readable for those unfamiliar with lambda functions.