Extracting Seconds from Timedelta Strings with Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In the realm of data analysis using Pandas in Python, a common task involves converting time data in string format to a timedelta object and then extracting the total seconds. A user might have a timedelta represented as a string, for example, ‘1 day 00:00:00’, and they wish to extract the number of seconds, which should yield 86400 as the output.

Method 1: Using Timedelta and total_seconds()

This method encompasses the use of the Pandas Timedelta constructor to convert a string to a timedelta object and then applying the total_seconds() method to extract the total number of seconds. This is ideal for accurate and direct conversions.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# String input for timedelta
time_string = '1 day 00:00:00'

# Using Timedelta constructor and total_seconds
timedelta_obj = pd.Timedelta(time_string)
seconds = timedelta_obj.total_seconds()


Output: 86400.0

In this snippet, we convert the time_string into a Pandas Timedelta object and then call total_seconds() which returns the duration in seconds. This is the most straightforward method for achieving the desired result.

Method 2: Using to_timedelta and dt accessor

Pandas to_timedelta function can be paired with the dt accessor to achieve the same goal. First, we convert the string to a timedelta, and then we access the seconds through dt. This method works well when dealing with Series objects.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# String input for timedelta
time_series = pd.Series(['1 day 00:00:00'])

# Convert to timedelta and extract seconds
seconds_series = pd.to_timedelta(time_series).dt.total_seconds()


Output: 0 86400.0 dtype: float64

The code transforms our series of time strings into timedelta objects and with the use of dt.total_seconds(), we extract the seconds. This is particularly useful when working with Pandas Series.

Method 3: Using astype(‘timedelta64[s]’)

Another technique is to convert the string directly to seconds using the astype method and casting the timedelta to a numpy timedelta64 object with second precision. This is a concise and efficient method for Series data.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# String input for timedelta
time_series = pd.Series(['1 day 00:00:00'])

# Convert to 'timedelta64[s]' directly
seconds_series = time_series.astype('timedelta64[s]')


Output: 0 86400.0 dtype: float64

We take advantage of the Series’ astype method to cast the data directly into seconds represented as a float64 type within a Series, bypassing the explicit creation of a Timedelta object.

Method 4: Using a Lambda function and total_seconds()

If more flexibility or processing is required (for instance, in the presence of varying time formats), a custom lambda function can be utilized in combination with total_seconds(). This is Pythonic and allows for per-item transformations within a Series.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# String input for timedelta
time_series = pd.Series(['1 day 00:00:00'])

# Convert using a lambda function and extract seconds
seconds_series = time_series.apply(lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x).total_seconds())


Output: 0 86400.0 dtype: float64

The Series’ apply method runs a lambda function on each item. The function converts each string to a Timedelta object and extracts its seconds, providing a flexible way to handle different timedelta formats.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using pd.eval()

Pandas eval() method can execute string expressions. This method is compact and performs well, but it should be used with caution to avoid the potential risks associated with evaluating strings as code.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# String input for timedelta
time_string = '1 day 00:00:00'

# Convert and extract seconds using eval()
seconds = pd.eval("pd.Timedelta('" + time_string + "').total_seconds()")


Output: 86400.0

We dynamically create a string representing the code to execute and then pass it to pd.eval(). It’s a powerful method, but be wary of the security implications of evaluating strings as code.


  • Method 1: Using Timedelta and total_seconds(). It is accurate, maintains precision, and is very readable. However, it requires manual handling for Series.
  • Method 2: Using to_timedelta and dt accessor. It’s great for Series, and aligns with typical Pandas workflows. Does not support DataFrame columns natively.
  • Method 3: Using astype(‘timedelta64[s]’). Quick conversion directly to seconds, efficient, yet might be confusing for those unfamiliar with NumPy types.
  • Method 4: Using a Lambda function and total_seconds(). Offers great flexibility and customization but is overkill for simple conversions and potentially less performant for large datasets.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using pd.eval(). It’s concise but must be practiced carefully to avoid security risks related to the evaluation of malicious code strings.