How to Choose the Right Field to Work as a Python Freelancer?

Today, I got the following question from one of my Finxters who struggles to find the best Python field to work in:

My main struggle now is which python field to choose. I know there is a video that you recommend pick up one field and maybe later pick up another in order to find projects to start to working on. I used to do websites with php, so django and flask sound to me easier, but the most demand fields are web scraping and machine learning. I like machine learning but I’m afraid in taking too much time in get a productive level. Probably I’m struggling with my own fears.Maria, Finxter Premium Member

Here’s the video she refers to:

Hey Maria,
thanks for your email!

I would simply go for the field that comes easy to you.

It sounds cheesy but you are much more competitive if you do what is easiest for you. For example, I am shifting the focus of Finxter from a pure Python learning app to the intersection of coding and business. The reason is that it’s slightly easier for me to talk about business.

You should do the same. If web applications is your thing, don’t worry about the demand-side. There’s plenty of it with billions of websites online…

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