How to Read a Dictionary from a File

Problem Formulation and Solution Overview

In this article, you’ll learn how to read in a Dictionary file and format the output in Python.

To make it more fun, we have the following running scenario:

Jeff Noble, a Marine Archeologist, has put together a team to search for shipwrecks each month. This month, they will search for the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald: a Great Lakes freighter lost in 1975. The details for this shipwreck were provided to him in the following formats:

  • Text File
  • JSON File
  • Pickle File

Jeff would like you to write a script that reads in one of the above file types and output to the terminal in columns.

File Contents (saved as ef.txt, ef.json, and ef.pickle)

{"Name": "SS Edmund Fitzgerald", "Nickname": "Titanic of the Great Lakes", "Ordered": "bruary 1, 1957", "Owner": "Northwest Mutual",
"Captain": "Ernest M. McSorley", "Type": "Great Lakes Freighter", "Cargo": "Iron Ore", "Length": "729 ft", "Depth": "39 ft.",
"Tonnage": "13,632 GRT", "Identification": "US 277437", "Port of Registry": "Milwaukee, Wisconsin", "Launched": "June 7, 1958",
"Laid to Rest": "Lake Superior", "Date Lost": "November 10, 1975", "Longitutde": 47.08646867739879, "Latitude": -85.11840679061183}

πŸ’¬ Question: How would we read in a Dictionary file and determine the best method?

We can accomplish this task by one of the following options:

  • Method 1: Use ast.literal_eval() to read in a text file.
  • Method 2: Use json.load() to read in a JSON file.
  • Method 3: Use pickle.load() to read in a pickle file.
  • Method 4: Use json.loads() to read to a DataFrame.

Before any data manipulation can occur, one (1) new library will require installation.

  • The Pandas library enables access to/from a DataFrame.

To install this library, navigate to an IDE terminal. At the command prompt ($), execute the code below. For the terminal used in this example, the command prompt is a dollar sign ($). Your terminal prompt may be different.

$ pip install pandas

Hit the <Enter> key on the keyboard to start the installation process.

If the installation was successful, a message displays in the terminal indicating the same.

Feel free to view the PyCharm installation guide for the required libraries.

Add the following code to the top of each code snippet. This snippet will allow the code in this article to run error-free.

import pandas
from pandas import json_normalize
import ast
import json
import pickle

πŸ’‘ Note: The additional libraries indicated above do not require installation as they come built-in to Python.

Method 1: Use ast.literal_eval()

The ast.literal_eval() function safely reads in and parses a string from a Python container, such as a Dictionary.

with open('ef.txt', 'r') as fp:
    data  =
    details = ast.literal_eval(data)

for key, value in details.items():
    print ("{:<20} {:<10} ".format(key, value))
  • The existing text file is opened, and a file pointer object fp is created.
    • The contents of the file are read into data.
    • Then ast.literal_eval() reads the data variable and saves to details.
  • A for loop navigates through the dictionary keys and values.
    • Each loop formats the output into columns and outputs to the terminal.

πŸ’‘ Note: In the past, there was talk that this function caused security risks. However, since this code only parses, it is not a concern.

Output (snippet)

NameSS Edmund Fitzgerald
NicknameTitanic of the Great Lakes
OrderedFebruary 1, 1957
OwnerNorthwest Mutual
CaptainErnest M. McSorley
TypeGreat Lakes Freighter
CargoIron Ore

Method 2: Use JSON

The JSON file structure is based on key:value pairs: just like a Python Dictionary. This format is commonly used to transmit data and is favored for its ability to be read by many coding languages. Its low overhead gives this option the thumbs up!

with open('ef.json', 'r') as fp:
    details = json.load(fp)

for key, value in details.items():
    print ("{:<20} {:<10} ".format(key, value))
  • The existing JSON file is opened, and a file pointer object fp is created.
    • The contents of the file are read using json.load() and saved to details.
  • A For loop navigates through the Dictionary keys and values.
    • Each loop formats the output into columns and outputs to the terminal.

Output (snippet)

NameSS Edmund Fitzgerald
NicknameTitanic of the Great Lakes
OrderedFebruary 1, 1957
OwnerNorthwest Mutual
CaptainErnest M. McSorley
TypeGreat Lakes Freighter
CargoIron Ore

Method 3: Use Pickle

A good place to use a Pickle file is when you have sensitive data or when you need to keep a program status across sessions. The data is serialized and stored as a binary file.

with open('ef.pickle', 'rb') as fp:
    details = pickle.load(fp)

for key, value in details.items():
    print ("{:<20} {:<10} ".format(key, value))
  • The existing Pickle file is opened, and a file pointer object fp is created.
    • The contents of the file are read using pickle.load() and saved to details.
  • A For loop navigates through the Dictionary keys and values.
    • Each loop formats the output into columns and outputs to the terminal.

Output (snippet)

NameSS Edmund Fitzgerald
NicknameTitanic of the Great Lakes
OrderedFebruary 1, 1957
OwnerNorthwest Mutual
CaptainErnest M. McSorley
TypeGreat Lakes Freighter
CargoIron Ore

Method 4: Read to a DataFrame

If you prefer working with DataFrames, converting the file to a DataFrame may be ideal. With no additional formatting required, the output is set to display, by default, in a column format.

with open('ef.json', 'rb') as fp:
    details =
    df = json_normalize(json.loads(details)).T
  • The existing JSON file is opened, and a file pointer object fp is created.
    • The file contents are read in and saved to details.
    • The json.loads() function passes details and saves to json_data.
    • The data is normalized and converted to a DataFrame (df) in portrait orientation.
  • The output is sent to the terminal.

Output (snippet)

NameSS Edmund Fitzgerald
NicknameTitanic of the Great Lakes
OrderedFebruary 1, 1957
OwnerNorthwest Mutual
CaptainErnest M. McSorley
TypeGreat Lakes Freighter
CargoIron Ore


We selected Method 2 (JSON) as the best option upon reviewing the above methods. JSON is faster as it needs fewer bytes for transmittal and less processing time.

Problem Solved! Happy Coding!