How to Set the y-Axis Limit in Python Matplotlib

If you work in the field of data science you might have to draw a lot of plots using either Matplotlib or Seaborn. In this blog post, you will learn how to set a limit to the y-axis values in Matplotlib.

We will start by loading the Boston household data and process the data to visualize the median price of the house.

  1. Load the data
  2. Import Libraries and plot data points
  3. Set the y-axis limit

Load the data

Let us begin by loading the data using the pandas library

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('sample_data/california_housing_test.csv')

Import Libraries and Plot Data Points

house_values = data['median_house_value'].values
house_values = sorted(house_values)

We now have extracted the median_hoise_value column and sorted the values in ascending order. Let us now being plotting the data

Set the y-axis Limit

paramValues = range(len(house_values))
plt.title('Median house price')
plt.ylabel('Median Price')

Change y-axis Limit

paramValues = range(len(house_values))
plt.title('Median house price')
plt.ylabel('Median Price')

By using the plt.ylim() function we can change the limit of the y-axis. In the above example setting the second parameter to 400000 we have to change the maximum value of the y axis. Similarly, we can change the minimum value of the y-axis by changing the first argument in the plt.ylim() function


In this blog post you have learned how to set the y-axis limit in matpltotlib.Β  I hope you found the post informative.