​I Help You ​Get Results For Your Practical Python Project

A Python Consulting Service​ For Your Small Business

Do you have a dream project in mind but you ​struggle with ​the practical implementation? Or do you struggle with understanding an existing code base on which you have to work?

I help you getting ​your project off the ground!

How I'll Help You With Your Project

  • ​1h Skype session to learn about your project
  • ​2-5 page written ​deliverable where I recommend you how I would ​start to practically tackle the project -- ​keeping your personal background in mind.
  • ​​​​​8h work day ​where I dive into your project and help you out with the coding, ​or with the conceptual understanding.
  • 1h video explaining you the code base and ​highlighting your strengths and weaknesses --- and giving you actionable pointers what to do next.

About ​Me

​​​Be a server, not a client!

​I just finished working as a doctoral computer science researcher ​on distributed systems in ​Germany. ​As a researcher, I have taught many students in computer science, graph theory, and distributed systems.

My passions are writing, reading, and coding. But my #1 passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills.

What My Clients Say

​Your consultancy work was pivotal to my understanding


​​Small Business Owner, UK

​Christian’s Finxter coaching service is awesome! Before his support, I learned Python at Progate and wrote small Python codes.

But the problem is, ​"How far should I learn to get jobs?​". I couldn’t identify that. For me, there is too much to learn in Python. He gave me a clear guide. ​"Look into past projects on the freelancer site and write code to meet the requirement. I’ll support you​".

He also told me what I shouldn’t do to get practical Python skill. Through looking in my project, I could grasp the trend and have a clear idea what ​are practical Python skills. In addition to ​this, I actually wrote code to meet the project requirement and the number of GitHub repository increases rapidly! :D

I realize that my skills also grow. Thank you for supporting me!


​Data Scientist, ​Japan

​​​I ​deliver results for your project. Guaranteed.

​No risk for you. ​I will push your project forward, help you with your own technical understanding of ​your project, and develop a clear battle plan that can save you ​​weeks -- and sometimes months -- working on the wrong things with the wrong pace. If I can't deliver on this, you'll get your money back within ​60 days:

​60-days money-back guarantee

​Bring Your Project to Life!

​Please understand that I can only take one client per week. Because of the high demand, this service is only available in very limited quantities​. Click the button below to see whether it is currently available.

Contains the ​consultancy service described above for $1997.

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