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We’re so grateful for all the time you spend learning and improving your skills. Please be assured—for all the trust, time, and effort you put into Finxter, we’re never going to let you down. The team of Finxter Creators is here for you to boost your skills, day after day after day.
As a small gift of abbreviation, solve this code puzzle—the solution is a FREE PDF LINK to one of our most popular Python learning books:
Exercise: Run this in your Python shell or our interactive code shell!
If you run the program, it’ll give you a direct PDF download link to one of our most popular programming ebooks!
Why not start those two daily habits today and keep them going for at least one year in 2021?
- Read at least one page of a programming book every day.
- Write at least one line of code in a personal programming project every day.
These are highly optimized habits with a minimal threshold to reduce any friction and eliminate any excuse. But if you implement them in the next 12 months, they’ll change your life.
I’ve created the following simple habit tracker that you can use: