Python abs() Function

Python’s built-in abs(x) function returns the absolute value of the argument x that can be an integer, float, or object implementing the __abs__() function. For a complex number, the function returns its magnitude. The absolute value of any numerical input argument -x or +x is the corresponding positive value +x.

Argumentxint, float, complex, object with __abs__() implementation
Return Value|x|Returns the absolute value of the input argument.
Integer input –> Integer output
Float input –> Float output
Complex input –> Complex output

Interactive Code Shell

Example Integer abs()

The following code snippet shows you how to use the absolute value 42 of a positive integer value 42.

x = 42
abs_x = abs(x)

print(f"Absolute value of {x} is {abs_x}")
# Absolute value of 42 is 42

The following code snippet shows you how to use the absolute value 42 of a negative integer value -42.

x = -42
abs_x = abs(x)

print(f"Absolute value of {x} is {abs_x}")
# Absolute value of -42 is 42

Example Float abs()

The following code snippet shows you how to use the absolute value 42.42 of a positive integer value 42.42.

x = 42.42
abs_x = abs(x)

print(f"Absolute value of {x} is {abs_x}")
# Absolute value of 42.42 is 42.42

The following code snippet shows you how to use the absolute value 42.42 of a negative integer value -42.42.

x = -42.42
abs_x = abs(x)

print(f"Absolute value of {x} is {abs_x}")
# Absolute value of -42.42 is 42.42

Example Complex abs()

The following code snippet shows you how to use the absolute value of a complex number (3+10j).

complex_number = (3+10j)
abs_complex_number = abs(complex_number)

print(f"Absolute value of {complex_number} is {abs_complex_number}")
# Absolute value of (3+10j) is 10.44030650891055

Python abs() vs fabs()

Python’s built-in function abs(x) calculates the absolute number of the argument x. Similarly, the fabs(x) function of the math module calculates the same absolute value. The difference is that math.fabs(x) always returns a float number while Python’s built-in abs(x) returns an integer if the argument x is an integer as well. The name “fabs” is shorthand for “float absolute value”.

Here’s a minimal example:

x = 42

# abs()
# 42

# math.fabs()
import math
# 42.0

Python abs() vs np.abs()

Python’s built-in function abs(x) calculates the absolute number of the argument x. Similarly, NumPy’s np.abs(x) function calculates the same absolute value. There are two differences: (1) np.abs(x) always returns a float number while Python’s built-in abs(x) returns an integer if the argument x is an integer, and (2) np.abs(arr) can be also applied to a NumPy array arr that calculates the absolute values element-wise.

Here’s a minimal example:

x = 42

# abs()
# 42

# numpy.abs()
import numpy as np
# 42.0

# numpy.abs() array
a = np.array([-1, 2, -4])
# [1 2 4]

abs and np. absolute are completely identical. It doesn’t matter which one you use. There are several advantages to the short names: They are shorter and they are known to Python programmers because the names are identical to the built-in Python functions.


The abs() function is a built-in function that returns the absolute value of a number. The function accepts integers, floats, and complex numbers as input.

If you pass abs() an integer or float, n, it returns the non-negative value of n and preserves its type. In other words, if you pass an integer, abs() returns an integer, and if you pass a float, it returns a float.

# Int returns int
>>> abs(20)
# Float returns float
>>> abs(20.0)
>>> abs(-20.0)

The first example returns an int, the second returns a float, and the final example returns a float and demonstrates that abs() always returns a positive number.

Complex numbers are made up of two parts and can be written as a + bj where a and b are either ints or floats. The absolute value of a + bj is defined mathematically as math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2). Thus, the result is always positive and always a float (since taking the square root always returns a float).

>>> abs(3 + 4j)
>>> math.sqrt(3**2 + 4**2)

Here you can see that abs() always returns a float and that the result of abs(a + bj) is the same as math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2).

Where to Go From Here?

Enough theory. Let’s get some practice!

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