Python Enum Conversion (Ultimate Guide)

πŸ’‘ Enums (short for enumerations) are a powerful feature in Python that allows for organizing a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Enums are a convenient way to associate names with constants in a clear and explicit way.

Before diving into the conversion methods, let’s quickly recap the Python enum module. In this example, Color is an enumeration with three members: RED, GREEN, and BLUE, associated with the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively.


from enum import Enum

# Define an enum named Color with a few members
class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

# Accessing members and their values
Color.RED  # <Color.RED: 1>  # 'RED'
Color.RED.value  # 1

But how do we convert these enums to more common data types and back? Let’s start with the first:

Python Convert Enum to String – and Back

Converting an Enum to a string can be particularly useful for display purposes or when the enumeration needs to be serialized into a format that requires text (like JSON). The reverse process is handy when parsing strings to obtain Enum values.

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

# Convert Enum to String
color_string =

# Convert String to Enum
color_enum = Color[color_string]

print(color_string)  # Outputs: RED
print(color_enum)    # Outputs: Color.RED

Here, is used to convert an Enum member to a string. On the flip side, Color[color_string] converts a string back to an Enum member. This is particularly helpful in configurations or environments where only strings are usable.

Python Convert Enum to Int – and Back

Sometimes, you might need to convert Enum members to integers for indexing, interfacing with C code, or simple arithmetic. Conversely, converting integers back to Enums is vital for maintaining the encapsulation of Enum types.

# Convert Enum to Int
color_int = Color.RED.value

# Convert Int to Enum
color_enum_from_int = Color(color_int)

print(color_int)                # Outputs: 1
print(color_enum_from_int)      # Outputs: Color.RED

In this snippet, Color.RED.value gives the integer associated with Color.RED. To convert this integer back to an Enum, we call Color(color_int).

Python Convert Enum to List – and Back

Converting an Enum to a list is useful when you need to perform operations that require sequence data types like iterations, mapping, etc. The reversal doesn’t apply typically as you wouldn’t convert a list directly back into an Enum, but you could recreate the Enum if needed.

# Convert Enum to List
color_list = [c for c in Color]

print(color_list)  # Outputs: [<Color.RED: 1>, <Color.GREEN: 2>, <Color.BLUE: 3>]

This list comprehension iterates over the Enum class, converting it into a list of Enum members.

πŸ‘‰ List Comprehension in Python β€” A Helpful Illustrated Guide

Python Convert Enum to Dict – and Back

When dealing with Enum members in a dynamic manner, converting it to a dictionary can be incredibly useful, especially when the names and values are needed directly.

# Convert Enum to Dict
color_dict = { color.value for color in Color}

# Convert Dict to Enum
class ColorNew(Enum):

for name, value in color_dict.items():
    setattr(ColorNew, name, value)

print(color_dict)       # Outputs: {'RED': 1, 'GREEN': 2, 'BLUE': 3}
print(ColorNew.RED)     # Outputs: ColorNew.RED

Here, we first create a dictionary from the Enum, ensuring each name maps to its respective value. To convert it back, we dynamically generate a new Enum class and assign values.

Python Convert Enum to JSON – and Back

Serialization of Enums into JSON is essential for configurations and network communications where lightweight data interchange formats are used.

import json

# Convert Enum to JSON
color_json = json.dumps(color_dict)

# Convert JSON to Enum
color_info = json.loads(color_json)
color_enum_from_json = Color[color_info['RED']]

print(color_json)               # Outputs: '{"RED": 1, "GREEN": 2, "BLUE": 3}'
print(color_enum_from_json)     # Outputs: Color.RED

This example shows how you can use a dictionary representation to convert Enum members into JSON and then parse it back.

Python Convert Enum to List of Strings – and Back

In some cases, a list of string representations of Enum members may be required, such as for populating dropdowns in GUI frameworks, or for data validation.

# Convert Enum to List of Strings
color_str_list = [ for color in Color]

# Convert List of Strings to Enum
color_enum_list = [Color[color] for color in color_str_list]

print(color_str_list)        # Outputs: ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE']
print(color_enum_list)       # Outputs: [<Color.RED: 1>, <Color.GREEN: 2>, <Color.BLUE: 3>]

This straightforward comprehension allows for quick conversions to and from lists of string representations.

Python Convert Enum to Tuple – and Back

Tuples, being immutable, serve as a good data structure to hold Enum members when modifications are not required.

# Convert Enum to Tuple
color_tuple = tuple(Color)

# This showcases conversion but typically you won't convert back directly
# However, Enum members can be extracted back from the tuple if needed

print(color_tuple)  # Outputs: (Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE)

While the reverse is uncommon, extracting specific Enum members from a tuple is straightforward.

Python Convert Enum to Literal – and Back

Python type hints support literals which can be handy in situations where function parameters are expected to be specific Enum members only.

from typing import Literal

ColorLiteral = Literal[,,]

# Example function using this literal
def set_background_color(color: ColorLiteral):
    print(f"Setting background color to {color}")

set_background_color('RED')  # Correct usage

# Conversion back is essentially parsing the literal to the Enum
parsed_color = Color['RED']  # Works as expected

print(parsed_color)  # Outputs: Color.RED

Here, Literal is a way to ensure type-checking for functions that should only accept specific Enum members in string form.

Python Convert Enum to Map – and Back

The map function in Python can apply a function over a sequence and is easily demonstrated with Enums.

# Use map to convert Enum to another form
mapped_values = list(map(lambda c: (, c.value), Color))

# Normally you won't convert a map result back to Enum directly
# But you can reconstruct the Enum if needed

print(mapped_values)  # Outputs: [('RED', 1), ('GREEN', 2), ('BLUE', 3)]

Mapping Enum values to a structure like tuple pairs can facilitate operations such as sorting by either names or values.

Python Convert Enum to List of Tuples – and Back

This conversion is useful for creating indexed structures from Enums, beneficial in scenarios where a tuple-based lookup is needed.

# Convert Enum to List of Tuples
color_tuples_list = [(, color.value) for color in Color]

# This can directly be used to reconstruct the Enum if needed
class ReconstructedEnum(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

print(color_tuples_list)              # Outputs: [('RED', 1), ('GREEN', 2), ('BLUE', 3)]
print(ReconstructedEnum.RED)          # Outputs: ReconstructedEnum.RED

Though direct conversion back isn’t typical, reconstruction is an option here.

Summary of Methods

  • String: Convert with .name and restore with Enum[name].
  • Integer: Use .value and Enum(value).
  • List: Directly iterate over Enum.
  • Dictionary: Comprehensions suit well for conversions; Class redefinition helps in reverse.
  • JSON: Utilize dictionaries for intermediate conversions.
  • List of Strings: Enum names in a list simplify GUI use.
  • Tuple: Direct use for immutable sequence requirements.
  • Literal: Enhance type safety.
  • Map: Apply transformations with map.
  • List of Tuples: Ideal for tuple-based structure requirements.

Using Python Enums effectively means understanding how to transform them to and from different types, broadening their usability across various aspects of Python programming.

πŸ‘‰ Python Dictionary Comprehension: A Powerful One-Liner Tutorial