Python Program to Add Two Numbers

Adding Two Numbers in Python

Add Two Integers

The most basic Python program to add two integer numbers stored in variables num_1 and num_2 is the expression num_1 + num_2 using the addition operator.

The following code shows how to add two numbers 20 and 22 and print the result 42 to the shell:

# Python Program to Add Two Integers
num_1 = 20
num_2 = 22

result = num_1 + num_2

print(num_1, '+', num_2, '=', result)
# 42

Add Two Integers with User Input

Use the following four steps to create a simple addition program in Python taking the user’s input and adding together the provided numbers.

  1. Get the user input as a string using the built-in input() function, and store the result in variables num_1 and num_2.
  2. Convert the string user inputs to an integer using the int() built-in method.
  3. Add together the numerical values using the addition operator num_1 + num_2.
  4. Print the result to the Python shell.

Here are those four steps in Python code:

# Python addition program with user input

# 1. Get string user inputs representing integers
num_1 = input('First number: ')
num_2 = input('Second number: ')

# 2. Converting strings to ints
num_1 = int(num_1)
num_2 = int(num_2)

# 3. Adding numbers
result = num_1 + num_2

# 4. Display the result
print(num_1, '+', num_2, '=', result)

Here’s an example code execution where I put in integers 40 and 2 and calculated the sum of both using the addition operator:

First number: 40
Second number: 2
40 + 2 = 42

Add Two Floats with User Input

Use the following four steps to create a simple addition program in Python taking the user’s input and adding together the provided numbers.

  1. Get the user input as a string using the built-in input() function, and store the result in variables num_1 and num_2.
  2. Convert the string user inputs to a floating point number using the float() built-in method.
  3. Add together the numerical values using the addition operator num_1 + num_2.
  4. Print the result to the Python shell.

Here are those four steps in Python code:

# Python addition program with user input

# 1. Get string user inputs representing floats
num_1 = input('First number: ')
num_2 = input('Second number: ')

# 2. Converting strings to floats
num_1 = float(num_1)
num_2 = float(num_2)

# 3. Adding floats
result = num_1 + num_2

# 4. Display the result
print(num_1, '+', num_2, '=', result)

Here’s an example code execution where I put in floats 40.2 and 1.8 and calculated the sum of both using the addition operator:

First number: 40.2
Second number: 1.8
40.2 + 1.8 = 42.0

Video Addition Operator Deep Dive

You can learn more about the Python addition operator in my detailed blog tutorial: