Python Return Generator From Function

Python provides the capability to create your own iterator function using a construct known as a generator.

πŸ’‘ A generator is a unique kind of function. Unlike traditional functions that return a single value, a generator returns a special object — an iterator, which can produce a sequence of values over time.

The key feature distinguishing a generator function is its usage of the yield statement, as opposed to the return statement found in ordinary functions.

The yield statement allows the function to produce values one at a time, pausing in-between, instead of computing them all at once. This can make your code more efficient and memory-friendly when dealing with large data sets.

When a generator function is called, it doesn’t actually run the code in the function. Instead, it returns a generator object. This object can then be iterated over (for example, in a for loop or by using the next() function) to execute the function and retrieve the values it yields, one by one, as needed.

You can return a generator from a function by using the yield keyword. Here’s an example:

def fibonacci():
    a, b = 0, 1
    while True:
        yield a
        b, a = a + b, b

In this example, the fibonacci function is a generator function because it uses the yield keyword. Every time you call next() on a generator created by this function, it will yield the next Fibonacci number.

(If you don’t understand the Fibonacci series yet, check out my fun blog tutorial:) πŸ‘‡

πŸ’‘ Recommended: Fibonacci in One Line Python

Here’s how you might use this generator:

gen = fibonacci()

print(next(gen))  # Output: 0
print(next(gen))  # Output: 1
print(next(gen))  # Output: 1
print(next(gen))  # Output: 2
print(next(gen))  # Output: 3

Each time next() is called, the function’s state is preserved, so it can remember the values of a and b. The next time next() is called, the function picks up where it left off and yields the next value.

πŸ‘‰ Note: Generator functions return a special type of iterator, which is the generator. When the generator’s __next__() method (or the built-in function next()) is called, the function runs until it hits a yield statement, then it yields its value and pauses.

When __next__() is called again, the function resumes running from where it left off, starting after the yield statement, until it hits another yield statement (or returns, which signals the generator is done).

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