Removing Specific Levels from a Pandas MultiIndex Using Level Names

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with hierarchical indices (MultiIndex) in pandas, we sometimes need to streamline our dataframe by removing one or more specific levels. The challenge lies in removing levels using their names rather than by their integer positions. The desired outcome is a pruned MultiIndex that retains all levels except the one specified for removal. For instance, if we start with a MultiIndex containing levels (‘Date’, ‘Product’, ‘Location’), we may want to remove the ‘Location’ level and be left with just (‘Date’, ‘Product’).

Method 1: Dropping Level with MultiIndex.droplevel()

This method involves the use of MultiIndex.droplevel(), which allows us to drop the specified level by its name from the MultiIndex. It is efficient and the syntax is straightforward.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a dataframe with a MultiIndex
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('2021-01-01', 'A', 'NY'), ('2021-01-02', 'B', 'CA')], names=['Date', 'Product', 'Location'])
df = pd.DataFrame({'Sales': [14, 21]}, index=index)

# Remove the 'Location' level
df.index = df.index.droplevel('Location')


Date       Product
2021-01-01 A            14
2021-01-02 B            21

This code snippet initially creates a dataframe with a MultiIndex consisting of ‘Date’, ‘Product’, and ‘Location’. The droplevel() method is then used to remove the ‘Location’ level from the MultiIndex. The resulting dataframe has a simplified index structure displaying only ‘Date’ and ‘Product’ levels with the associated data.

Method 2: Using reset_index() with Level Name

The reset_index() method removes specified levels and converts them into columns. This method is helpful if you wish to retain the removed level as a separate column.

Here’s an example:

# Assuming 'df' as the dataframe created previously with a MultiIndex
# Reset 'Location' level and remove it from the index
df_reset = df.reset_index(level='Location', drop=True)


Date       Product
2021-01-01 A            14
2021-01-02 B            21

This snippet uses reset_index() with the parameter level='Location' to remove ‘Location’ from the MultiIndex. The drop=True argument ensures that the removed level does not become a column in the dataframe, leaving an index with only ‘Date’ and ‘Product’.

Method 3: Rebuilding MultiIndex without Specific Level

In this approach, a new MultiIndex is created without the level to be removed. This method can be utilized when you have a complex operation that requires a customized index rebuild.

Here’s an example:

# Rebuild the index without 'Location'
new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df.index.to_frame()[['Date', 'Product']])
df.index = new_index


Date       Product
2021-01-01 A            14
2021-01-02 B            21

This code converts the MultiIndex to a dataframe with to_frame(), selects the columns corresponding to the desired levels, and then creates a new MultiIndex from this dataframe with from_frame(). The dataframe is then assigned this new index.

Method 4: Using Index Slicing

Index slicing creates a subset of the MultiIndex without the unwanted level. This method is useful when only a selection of elements need to have levels removed.

Here’s an example:

# Create a subset without 'Location'
df_sliced = df.loc[(slice(None), slice(None)), :]


Date       Product
2021-01-01 A            14
2021-01-02 B            21

The loc accessor with slice(None) is used here to select all elements in the ‘Date’ and ‘Product’ levels while ignoring the ‘Location’ level. This effectively slices the MultiIndex without the ‘Location’ entries.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Comprehension with get_level_values()

A one-liner method involves using a list comprehension and get_level_values() to extract the desired levels and reconstruct the MultiIndex.

Here’s an example:

# Combining level values to create a new MultiIndex without 'Location'
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df.index.get_level_values(level) for level in ['Date', 'Product']])


Date       Product
2021-01-01 A            14
2021-01-02 B            21

This snippet uses list comprehension to collect values of the desired levels and pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays() to create a new index without the ‘Location’ level.


  • Method 1: MultiIndex.droplevel(). Simple and effective. Best used when the goal is to remove the level entirely from the MultiIndex without modifying the dataframe’s data.
  • Method 2: reset_index(). Provides additional flexibility by allowing the removed levels to be added as columns. Useful for data restructuring.
  • Method 3: Rebuilding MultiIndex. Offers more control in index reconstruction, making it suitable for complex indexing requirements.
  • Method 4: Index Slicing. Allows for level removal within a selected subset of the dataframe, offering precise control over the indexing operation.
  • Bonus Method 5: get_level_values() with Comprehension. A compact one-liner that is handy for quick and simple level removals.