On this page, I collect reviews from readers of The Book of Dash (NoStarch, 2022):
Thanks for all your ❤️!
“Perfect for any student of Data Science”

“Just the book I’ve been looking for. This is the perfect next step for any Python student seeking to pivot into the Data Science niche. Easy to follow, and practical examples left me with the confidence to start on my own projects. Highly recommended.”
— Peter Rubio, Python Author
“Wonderful Book”

“I started reading Python Dash. Wonderful! Awesome book!”
— Kat McKelvie, Writer + Python + Web Developer
“Informative and Easy to Read”
“I always enjoy reading Chris’s books. This is the fourth book of his I have read (NumPy, Slicing, The Art Of Clean Code, and Dash). I am new to Python and I find his books informative and easy to read. Besides the titled topic, he gives insight into other topics, in this case, Pandas. I am pursuing data analysis. The understanding of Dash I gained in this book provided me with a whole new way to analyze and visualize data.”
— Jordan Marshal, Python Developer
“Step-by-Step Process to Data Mastery”

“Nowadays everything enters through our eyes, and we have too much data coming from several sources all the time. The person who masters the process of sorting and displaying that data as accurate information gets an advantage over other people. This book becomes us in that person by giving us step-by-step processes to getting there. Do you want to take advantage?”
— Juan Pablo Vila, Python Coder
“Get Your Visualization Up and Running Easily and Quickly”
“Getting started is often the hardest thing to do and I thought learning Data Visualization would be difficult. With The Book of Dash, the authors have provided some great examples showing how easy and quickly it is to get a visualization up and running with just a few tools. While the book requires some familiarity with Python, it provides a refresher on basic programming topics in the first couple of chapters, then jumps into the topic at hand with some easy-to-follow examples. I’m looking forward to developing some of my own visual apps with what I’ve learned.”
— Scott Chouinard, Sr. Gaming Analyst
“Fills the Void”
“The Book of Dash fills the void of becoming master in Plotly Dash and Dashboards”
— Sanjeev Sharma, Python Coder, Freelancer
“Amazing Book for Beginner Data Analysts”
“I am a big fan of the Christian Mayers’s books. I have been reading them for a couple of months and can’t imagine living without them. The new Python Dash book teaches us how to implement the Ploty Dash framework to build dashboards. Besides being a unique book, the main purpose is to help the beginner in Dash advance proficiently. I like that is very easy to understand providing a nice flow that culminates in practical examples. These allow you to apply what you learn in the book projects, to other types of data analysis. What I like most are the python reviews that make a context to the learning phase, the few tips and tricks you get along the way, and the extra resources at the end of the chapters that complement and advance further your knowledge. You can sense that the authors want to share their knowledge. The only thing I wish was different is that the graphics had color. It would make it more engaging and easier to follow along. Overall it is an amazing book that data analysts must have when working with Python.”
— Tânia Frazão, Python coder and Freelancer
“Worth Buying and Reading”
This book review was created using a non-final version of the e-book. No Starch Publishing allows reviewers and readers access to “semi-finished” books made available through the Access program. Although these texts still have to go through the final editing process, the quality of the text in the case of “The Book of Dash” already gives no cause for criticism. The visualizations are extensive, the English text is easily understandable even for non-native speakers.
The bottom line is that “The Book of Dash” – also in view of the compact length of less than 200 pages – is a convenient quick introduction that paves the way for Python programmers who are faced with the task of realizing a dashboard. The purchase is therefore recommended for all those who would otherwise have to acquire the relevant know-how from the documentation in a laborious and lengthy manner – in the experience of the reviewer, many expensive man-hours quickly accumulate.
— Tam Hanna, IT Expert, source