Top 10 Best Data Structure Cheat Sheets in Python

Hello Finxter Family! It is time for another Top 10 Best!! Today, I will be focusing on Data Structures in Python and putting those cheat sheets here for you to download and keep on hand or pinned above the monitor for quick reference.Β  Without further delay, let us get right to it!

You can download the Python data structure cheat sheet from Finxter Creators as a high-resolution PDF here:

Python Data Structure Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet 1: Intellipaat

Intellipaat is perhaps one of my favorite resources for cheat sheets. This one is a great quick guide to tape on the wall. It is broken down into sub-sections and shows a visual for a data structure; all in color.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 2: AlgoDaily

This cheat sheet will give you executable code for interviews! How great is that? It is a lengthy read but it is worth it for the wealth of knowledge on this one page alone. It has code examples and explanations on what is happening.

Pros: Great place to begin when learning data structures in Python

Cons: It is a lengthy read

Cheat Sheet 3: DataCamp

Here is one from DataCamp. It is a quick guide to pin above the monitor. It is colorful and has explanations and examples for each method; the libraries you’ll be using the most and Numpy basics.

Pros: Rated β€˜E’ for everyone. Pin it on the wall to keep on hand.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 4:

This cheat sheet has summarized the performance characteristics of classic algorithms and data structures for sorting, symbol tables and graph processing. It has tables and explanations for all the useful formulas and approximations.

Pros: Great reference to keep next to your laptop when learning data structures.

Cons: Not for the beginner data scientist. Make sure you understand the formulas you are going to perform.

Cheat Sheet 5: Cheatography

I love cheatography, the cheat sheets here are well put together. Like this one, it breaks everything down into subsections and makes a great quick guide to keep on the wall. I especially love the Don’t panic section. It is a reminder that it is okay to go slowly and make sure you’re writing you work correctly and runs under the test cases.

Pros: Great quick reference, minimal explanations.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 6: Interview Cake

This cheat sheet is super quick and easy, it literally names the different data structures, a quick example, and their definitions. That is, it. Really super simple. Perfect for a beginner or coding interviews.

Pros: Beyond easy, even a beginner will understand what each data structure is and its definition.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 7: DataQuest

This cheat sheet takes you beyond the basics of data structures in Python by introducing the intermediate functions on a separate cheat sheet from the basics. You should pin this one right next to the basics sheet, so you have them together for quick reference.

Pros: Perfect for the intermediate Pythonier

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 8: Cheatography

I love Cheatography! The cheat sheet is clean and presents you with all of the different methods for getting what you want out of Python! Pro Tip: This is one you should definitely keep laminated and tapped to the desk! The short hands are amazing and come in handy when you know you need one but do not remember quite how to write it out. I keep this one tapped to the top of my desk right under my laptop.

Pros: Perfect for the beginner developer and those looking to up their skills.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 9: TechGeekBuzz

This cheat sheet will walk you through what data structures are for a deeper understanding of what you are doing. This is one to keep handy in case you ever get stuck on your own data structure.

Pros: Helps you to gain a deeper understanding of Data Structures

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 10: Github

This is a cheat sheet I have forked from okeeffed off of Github to better understand and master Data structures myself! Pro Tip: Keep this one handy in your own Github repository! As you go through learning Python and Data Structures this one is the best one to keep on your bookmarks!

Pros: One of the best cheat sheets to have a deeper understanding of Data Structures in Python.

Cons: None that I can see.

Once again, thank you for joining me on another journey for the best top 10 cheat sheets. I hope you enjoyed this installment of cheat sheets. I, for certain have learned a lot about data structures and have downloaded a couple of these cheat sheets that I needed myself!! I will see you again and to be honest, I can’t wait!

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