Top 10 Python Libraries to Create Your Telegram Bot Easily (GitHub)

As a Python developer interested in building Telegram bots for pure fun and enjoyment, I bring you my curated list of top Python libraries that powerfully streamline bot creation.

1. python-telegram-bot

The python-telegram-bot is one of the most straightforward libraries for building bots for the Telegram app.

Easy installation: πŸ‘‡
pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade

It is highly recommended due to its user-friendly structure and comprehensive API coverage. This Python wrapper enables all the functions available in Telegram’s Bot API, making developing and deploying complex bots straightforward.

Key features include:

  • Support for both long-polling and webhooks for updates.
  • Context-based callback handlers, making it easier to handle updates from users.
  • Provides tools to create custom keyboards and inline query responses.
  • Easy error handling, logging, and promises with a built-in mechanism.

This library also includes advanced features such as handling file uploads and downloads, which can add advanced functionality to your Telegram bot.

The vast community support and ample documentation make it a top choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.

πŸ’‘ Recommended: How to Create a Python Telegram Bot [Hacker Tutorial]

2. Telethon

Telethon is a Python 3 library for the Telegram API. Unlike python-telegram-bot, which is solely for creating bots, Telethon is useful for fully-fledged Telegram client applications.

It means that apart from creating bots, it lets developers manage channels, send and receive messages, and perform other tasks.

Easy installation: πŸ‘‡
pip3 install telethon

Key features of Telethon include:

  • Access to raw Telegram API functions, allowing highly customizable bots.
  • Automatic reconnection handling and flood wait timeouts.
  • Event-driven architecture that’s handy for building bots that react to user updates.
  • Cryptographically secure, automatically encrypting the data sent and received.

For developers looking for a more advanced library that can handle complex applications beyond bot creation, Telethon is an excellent choice.

3. Aiogram

Aiogram is an asynchronous framework for Telegram bot development. It is a high-level library built on top of the python-telegram-bot and Telethon libraries. Its primary strength is in handling concurrent tasks and managing multiple bot instances, which can significantly enhance your bot’s speed and performance.

However, you should be aware that there are some breaking dangers introduced as mentioned in the docs:

Key features of Aiogram include:

  • Full Telegram Bot API support with file uploads/downloads.
  • Middleware and FSM for creating complex user scenarios.
  • Advanced message filters and ability to create custom filters.
  • Strong community support with examples, starter projects, and extra utilities.

Aiogram is best for experienced developers who wish to build sophisticated Telegram bots with advanced user interactions.

4. Pyrogram

Pyrogram is a powerful and easy-to-use Telegram framework for Python. It allows developers to interact with the Telegram API as a user or through a bot account. Its elegance, simplicity, and being more Pythonic makes it a favorite among developers.

Key features of Pyrogram include:

  • User and bot API support, enabling a wider range of Telegram applications.
  • Session handling, error handling, and automatic reconnection.
  • Smart plugins system to organize and scale your projects better.
  • Supports various types of media (photos, audio, video, voice, and documents).
  • Strong community support and extensive documentation.

Pyrogram is ideal for both beginners who want an easy start and professionals who need more control and simplicity. Its focus on being Pythonic makes the code more readable, maintainable, and hence, enjoyable to work with.

5. pyTelegramBotAPI

The pyTelegramBotAPI is another library that provides a Python wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. It has an easy-to-understand syntax and supports both long-polling and webhooks, making it very versatile for bot development.

You can find the docs here. Installing it as as simple as using pip:

pip install pyTelegramBotAPI

Key features include:

  • Support for all types of Telegram Bot API methods and types.
  • Advanced message handling through command and message decorators.
  • Provides tools to work with inline mode.

6. TGramBot

TGramBot is a unique and minimal framework for creating Telegram bots. It is partially auto-generated, ensuring that it stays up-to-date with the latest changes in the Telegram Bot API. Key features include:

  • Asynchronous and event-driven architecture.
  • Supports command and regex-based message handling.
  • Inbuilt support for logging and error handling.

7. OrigamiBot

OrigamiBot is a pythonic library that provides a clean and intuitive way to create Telegram bots. Its goal is to make bot development as pythonic and enjoyable as possible. Key features include:

  • User-friendly and pythonic syntax.
  • Support for inline queries, callback queries, and chat actions.
  • Extensive documentation with examples.

Let’s have a look at a code example after running pip install tgrambot:

import asyncio

from tgrambot import Bot
from tgrambot.filters import Filters
from tgrambot.types import Message
from tgrambot.text import Italic

bot = Bot("token", workers=50, parse_mode='MarkdownV2')

async def start_bot(c: Bot, m: Message):
    await c.send_message(, Italic("Hola Amigo!"))

async def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


8. pytgbot

pytgbot is a comprehensive Telegram bot API wrapper that is suitable for more complex bot applications. It provides easy access to Telegram’s bot API with additional capabilities.

pip install pytgbot

Key features include:

  • Extensive API coverage, including lesser-used APIs.
  • Support for file uploads and downloads.
  • Built-in logging and debugging features.

9. teleflask

teleflask is a unique framework that combines the powers of Flask and the pytgbot library to provide a powerful bot development platform. It’s best suited for developers who are familiar with the Flask web framework.

pip install teleflask

Key features include:

  • Automatic handling of updates using Flask routes.
  • Easy-to-use interface for handling different types of messages.
  • Provides helper functions for sending messages, photos, etc.

10. telegram-text

telegram-text is a Python markup module designed to work with other Telegram bot frameworks. It’s a utility library that helps in creating rich text for Telegram bots. Key features include:

  • Supports creating text with bold, italic, links, and more.
  • Can be used in conjunction with other Telegram bot libraries.
  • Simple and straightforward syntax.

Code example:

from telegram_text import Bold, Italic, Underline

text = Underline(Bold("Bold") + "and" + Italic("italic") + "with underline.")

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