Hello everyone! It is time for another top 10 cheat sheet! Today, I will be presenting the top 10 cheat sheets on Git! Not to be confused with GitHub, Git is a repository for all the changes you have made on your web or software development project. At first Git can be a little confusing, but with these cheat sheets, you will understand Git like a pro!
Cheat Sheet 0: Finxter’s Git Cheat Sheet + Video
This cheat sheet link leads you to a PDF and video explanation of a simplified Git introduction. It contains 80% of the features in 20% of the time—designed from our Finxter Creators.
Pros: Video + PDF on one page for a quick reference
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 1: Keycdn
This cheat sheet was made by Keycdn for commonly used Git commands with a glossary of the terms. It is perfect for keeping next to your laptop as you work in your git repository as a reference point. You may even want to highlight which commands you use the most.
Pros: Rated βEβ for everyone. Perfect for both beginners and web/software developers who just need a refresher and reference for future use.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 2: GitLab
This one is from Gitlab and gives you a quick run down of installing, creating a project and the commands you will use! This one is colorful and great for above the monitor for a quick reference. If you are not yet comfortable in Git, then I would say keep this one next to one that explains the command syntax so you can grow confident in Git.
Pros: Great for quick look, thorough in starting a repository from start to finish.
Cons: The colors can be distracting.
Cheat Sheet 3: Git Tutorial
Always check official documentation! In this tutorial introduction, you learn to import new projects and make changes to it alongside other developers. This will help you grasp a deeper understanding of Git as you begin to work towards building your software. It is well worth the read, for the fountain of information it has to get you started.
Pros: Rated βEβ for everyone. Great introductory tutorial!
Cons: It is a lengthy read.
While this is not a typical cheat sheet, it is one you will want to bookmark on your browser!! This interactive cheat sheet is great for visual learners! By clicking 1 of the 5 columns, you will be able to see how each one interacts with another and what commands are used to get it! This is an awesome cheat sheet even I have saved to my browser.
Pros: Rated βEβ for everyone! Great for visual learners especially!
Cons: none that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 5: Gitsheet
Simple, straight forward commands for Git. This cheat sheet is another great one to use as a quick reference to hang above the monitor. It is neatly organized under the 5 categories: Branches, Logs, Clean-up, Tags, and Stashes.
Pros: Rated βEβ for everyone! Perfect quick reference
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 6: Atlassian
This cheat sheet holds not only the basics for Git but also additional options to help you push, pull, log, and reset your git repository. It comes with full explanations next to the proper syntax.
Pros: Great for those wanting to learn Git, rated βEβ for everyone.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 7: Tower
This 2-page cheat sheet comes with a list of commands and a page containing version control and the best practices. Really handy to keep yourself updated on the best practices for your git repository so other developers will be able to work on pulls from your work effectively.
Pros: Great for those who are beginning Git or need a refresher. Best practices page is super handy.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 8: Education.github.com
This pdf is straight from Github. It is a useful guide featuring the most important and commonly used Git commands on 1 handy sheet for easy reference.
Pros: Rated βEβ for everyone!! It does not get any better than straight from the source!
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 9: UCSD
This cheat sheet will show you how to create a git along with the concepts and workflow on how Git and Git commands are used.
Pros: Great for quick reference
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 10: Cheatography
Of course, we cannot forget about Cheatography!! This cheat sheet has everything handy on 1 sheet making convenient to have above the computer monitor.
Pros: Great quick guide for everyone.
Cons: None that I can see.
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